Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Raceworld U.S.A.

So i realize that some of you aren't fond of my multiple posts all at the same time but sometimes a mom has to do what a mom has to do. I will attempt to keep these posts of our adventures brief.

Last Thursday we were much later getting out of the house than we wanted to be. No biggie we just picked things to do between lunch and Ella's gymnastics class that started at 4:30. We decided to go eat lunch with Eric at Sonic and head down to Raceworld USA, the race shop of Michael Waltrip Racing. Lunch was great. I also enjoy seeing Eric and so do the kids. We loaded up and headed south. I know Michael Waltrip isn't that great but we had heard great things about his shop. We walked in and it has the usual. Mannequins in race suits, a gift shop, old cars, car that have seen victory lane and lots of pictures from Daytona and other races he and his drivers have won. Where was the good stuff? Well, to see anything else we had to buy a ticket for a tour. We did and up the elevator we went. The whole upstairs was a viewing area. You could start on one end and as you walked you could look down into the different rooms and see what the guys in that area were working on. Finally at on in was a big open shop. The walk way went right across the room to the offices. We were able to go and just watch them working on all the decals, see the templates they use to measure all the things on the cars and see all the cars from our bridge. Now it was time for the outside guided tour. We stroll passed the hauler bay. It was noticeably empty. They left Wednesday night for Michigan. Anyway, down passed the pit practice area and into the fabrication shop. The boys loved the guys who were grinding and welding. They thought it was fireworks. :) Neat stuff but the old man that was on the tour with us would NOT stop asking questions so we were in smelling all the fresh paint fumes for much longer than i liked. Back inside we watched them cut out metal for the engines and played in the race car seat and then home for Ella's gymnastics. It is nice to have so many shops around. It is a nice afternoon trip. We also came home with 6 lug nuts we found while on our outside tour. If you would like one let me know and i will get it to you ASAP! If i don't have any takers i might be forced to sell a few on eBay. :)

Ella's gymnastics class was good. She looked board most of the time. As i was talking to another mother i found out that come other girls in the class are 3 almost 4. Why is she in a class with 3 year olds? Anyway, she would do her exercises and then just stare at the big girls. The teachers were busy helping the little girls who couldn't quite do the exercises yet. Ella came out of her class crying. Not like her. She said she didn't get to be the line leader. I told her she didn't get to be the line leader all the time maybe next week and we left. It wasn't until we were in the car that i understood that all the other girls had gotten a turn leading the line and one girl went twice while Ella didn't get a turn and she asked her teacher. I was sure the teacher hadn't heard her but Ella said she spoke up and Katie, her teacher, looked at her but didn't respond. Not that made me a little mad. I don't care for Katie anyway. Ella has had her before and Ella didn't really thrive in her class like she did when Tina came back so i am not thrilled about having her again. He attitude stinks every time i talk to her, or try too i should say. The crying stopped and i thought i would try and talk about it with Ella later. Well, at bed time she tells me that one little girl got two stickers and everyone else only got one. I don't know what happened but Ella said she got two because she did the best of everybody. Trust me, no one did better than Ella. My first thought was to take Katie in the parking lot. I am pretty sure i can take her and her stinky attitude. Instead, we arrived early to Tina's class on Tuesday and talked to her about Ella being older and more capable than the other girls and trying to find a class where she is with girls her own age and challenged to learn. I am hoping i hear from Tina today and we can find a more suitable class, that Katie doesn't teach, for Ella.


Big "G" said...

How come mom didn't strap in the racing seat?? Never mind , i looked at the pics again and i see it is only so wide.....

Anonymous said...

hey, you call me if you need any help in the parking lot. I'll bring my cane. haha. They better be nice to our baby girl!