Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Our visit- part one

It was a whirlwind visit. Papa came home from the hospital just as we were arriving in Columbus. He was feeling well and working his knee everyday. Friday, we spent most of the day enjoying the company. Aunt Sherri, Uncle Michael, Jordan, Jared, Uncle Raymond, Aunt V, Monika, Elizabeth, Grandma, Papa, Catherine, Elizabeth Anne, Brad, Aunt Meredith, Uncle Keith, Wes, Mom and Mawmaw were all around town. Uncle Terry, Aunt Kim, Audrey and Dad came in later. Saturday was a full day. We (the kids, Jordan, Jared, Mom and Dad) were off to the farm to check the combine and play with the horses. That turned out to be an adventure. The boys climbed up in the combine and took turns driving. I took Ella up and had my first look inside. Ella wasn’t very happy. I think it was the height or maybe it was just that she wanted a horse. After our brief ride the horses were saddled up and ready. Ella hopped on Whitey and Jack was on Big Red. Obviously named after the colors of their coats. Jared and Dad led the horses and Ella was off for a drink so Grandma hopped on with John and I jumped on with Jack. Well, I attempted to jump on. Big Red was a lot taller than I thought and the saddle wasn’t quite on tight enough. After some flaying my big butt was on the horse and I hadn’t pulled the saddle off. The trouble I had getting on should have led me to the conclusion that this was not a great idea. Mark began to lead Jack and I down the road. I questioned why a grown man was leading me on a horse I was very capable of riding. Mark turned us loose and Dad let go of Mom and John. Off we go. Slowly walking along. We just go a short distance and turn around to go back to the shop. This is where it gets interesting. I thought I would be fun and get Big Red to trot past Mom and John. I should have considered that our saddle wasn't on tight but i didn't. Anyway, as we pick up the pace and make faces at Mom and John i realize the Big Red isn't a smooth trotter. Then the ride takes a turn for the worse. The horse seems to be jumping and i think maybe he is about to take off running and i can't quite get the reigns pulled back hard enough because i have Jack in front of me and i am holding on to him and the saddle with one hand and i don't want to pull too hard because i don't want him to throw us off. The ground is looking a long way down and i can't help but think if Jack falls off he will never get back on so i was determined to save him. HA! What were my options?? I turn and look and Mom, John and their horse were next to us. My saddle is now sliding to the side since we are off balance i give a push off Mom's saddle and think i am tipping over the other side. Could i get jack over to her horse before i fell? Get my balance back and the reigns pulled. THEN the guys come to help. Go figure. Jack didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Mom wants to know why i tried to grab her, I am thinking that my little kick got him going and as we WALK back to the shop we hear that the dog had actually gotten under the horse and got him going. Glad we didn't fall but hate nobody got a picture. I am sure Jack's and my face were priceless. It was time to head back to town for lunch and a birthday party. Part two of the trip coming up.

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