Saturday, August 22, 2009

A day of rest

This is what Jordan looked like most of the day! :)

After all our outings i figured i needed a day of rest. I needed to do nothing for just a day. Plus i had a serious head cold. Tuesday was a great day to rest. We stayed in our P.J.s all day. Ella had gymnastics and i took her to her old class at 3:30. All the others stayed home so i could talk to her old teacher, Tina. I explained my concerns about the other girls not being as capable as Ella, the fact that some were still 3, and that she looked very board in class. Ella clearly told Tina she wanted to stay in her class. I left out my dislike of Katie and the fact that she was fair and Ella didn't get to be the line leader. (HA!) Anyway, we talked through the options and she was going to get with Katie and see what class she thought Ella should try and give me a call. I left Ella there for class and came home to make dinner. I picked up Ella and she was super excited about having been back in Mrs. Tina's class and we went home to eat. After dinner we went for milkshakes. We took one by to Eric since he was working late. Took a tour of the hospital. It looks great. Home for baths and bed.


The Reeds said...

I bet your day of rest with four little ones was busier than the average person's busy day:)
I sent your card yesterday! If you're feeling crafty, you can name my sister's blog too. Her last name is Rush. Got anything good?

Jordan said...

oh.. i see how it is. thanks for showing me the picture you put up and what you put under it. that's what you would've been like if i didn't beat you to the computer, you farm town addict!