Sunday, May 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Benji

Ben turned two, okay so it was back in February. :) I am still trying to get this life figured out so bear with me if it takes me six months to post another blog. It was a fun day. Honestly i can't even remember what we did because it was so long ago. I am kinda bummed about that. That is why i started this blog. Back to the celebration. Kim came over to spend the day with us and from the pictures you can tell Ben had a good time. Birthday pancakes,
cake and presents .
The other kids were very helpful in opening gifts.

We are certainly in for an exciting year with this busy two year old.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Another birthday

Well, this time it is our neighbors. Her birthday falls in between Ella's and Ben's. I allowed Ella to pick out her gift. That was my first mistake. My second was being home after Ella gave Hannah her gift. Ha. Next time we will forgo the eye shadow and nail polish for a gift card.

Even Ben got a mani.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Neighbors are AMAZING! Flashing back to our brief stay at Mom and Dad's, their neighbor and friend Mr. Deason was so kind to bring his "Orange Peel" for us to play with. The kids begged daily to go for rides. He even took his tractor and cut trails in a field for us to ride. I am sure we found a new trail every time. One went through some trees and the kids called it the Rattlesnake Woods. :) We even took Grandma and Bristol for a few rides. There were days where being able to take them for a ride was the only thing that kept me sane. A BIG thank you to Mr. Deason for allowing us to use it. We had a blast!