Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

This has been the first Memorial day that Eric has had off in a while. He was scheduled to work a few hours on Saturday and then off Sunday and Monday! That was awesome. However our awesome weekend looked more like this:


Yes, that's right. Rain plus sick kids. That was our weekend. It all started about 12:30 Saturday morning when Jack woke up vomiting followed by more vomiting around 6 and John was also running a high fever by then. Nice. Jack threw up for most of the morning but by mid afternoon we had the fevers under control and everyone was in better spirits. All was looking well. Until Sunday afternoon. Ella said she wasn't feeling well on the way home from Costco followed by vomiting until bedtime. She woke this morning with a high fever and has laid around all day. None really have their appetite back yet but they are all looking better than they were when their heads were hung over in the potty or the "throw up " bucket. Ben hasn't looked sick yet so for that i am grateful. We have gotten a few things done around here despite the bug going around. Ella and i had some girl time on Friday night. We got manicures and she is very proud of hers. Eric and i have a wonderful sitter that the kids love. Jack's soccer coach, Melissa, came and kept the kids while Eric and i went for dinner Saturday. We also got our monthly grocery shopping done. It would have been nice for the weather to have been beautiful and the kids feeling great but my life can't be perfect all the time. HA! Maybe next year. Between the rain showers we did get to go out and enjoy some watermelon.

Anyway, i would like to take a moment and thank all the servicemen and women who defend and protect our country and freedom. On this day of reflection, i don't daily thank God for the precious gifts i have here at home and i rarely think of those who are making sacrifices to protect me and my family. Shame on me. My Grandfather served and my cousin Shellie also serves our country. I think that is a very large sacrifice and i am truly grateful. In closing, here are a few pictures of baby Ben. More updates coming soon.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ella and Jack's yearly Check-up

Today was the day. Ella and Jack had appointments right in the middle of nap time. It was okay. We made it there with time to spare and got called right back. The kids weighted and had their height measured. Ella had a mini eye test and a hearing test. Eric came in right as things were starting to unravel. John was spilling goldfish on the floor, Ben was realizing he was STARVING,(He is always starving at the most inopportune times) and i was trying to fill out the mounds of medical history paper work for two kids. Then we were corralled into a small room where the boys started playing tug of war with the bag of goldfish and then a chair while Eric tried to bounce a very loud and unhappy Ben on his knee. Finally i lost it and had Eric referee the boys while i fed Ben on the left side so i still had my right hand free to continue filling out the paperwork. Ella sat and drew in her notebook. God bless her. Anyway, they all settled in and the doctor came in and started with Jack. He looked right on track. Weight was 35 pounds and height was 42 inches. That puts him about 70th percentile for weight and the 98th percentile for height. Yes, he was just off the top of the height chart. Ella was up next. She weighted 39 pounds and was 45 inches tall. That is about the 36th percentile for weight and the 82nd for height. (the scale at home weights the kids a few pounds lighter) She has already had all her necessary shots so it was a Hep A today and a finger prick for an iron check and a urine sample. She was set. Then they handed us all the papers. All the papers i wasn't ready to receive. School papers. Yes, it is now time to decide whether we will let her start kindergarten in Troutman or if we will home school. A big, scary decision but one we have to make since they have already had registration. I am going to pick up a registration packet so it will all be completed IF we decide to go there. For the record, Ella's vote is to go there. :) Ella was a brave girl with her shot and finger prick so we said goodbye to daddy and headed off for some ice cream. The pain was nothing a banana split couldn't fix.

Kim's visit

Kim flew into town a week ago today. The kids were super stoked. We live about 40 minutes from the airport but it is an easy drive. Didn't get into a whole lot but I did get my soccer bottles done because I had her extra hands available. Thursday we had Jack's soccer game which is always amusing. Kim kept the kids Friday night so Eric and I could go out for our anniversary. Saturday, We went down town and walked around. It is a nice place but could use a few cooler stores. Eric took the two older kids to the race and with the little ones in bed we had good time to visit. Sunday came and I apparently can't add and subtract time because I dropped her off at the airport a little over 2 hours early. She never pointed that out as I said "see I told you I would have you here an HOUR early". She made it home safely. It is so nice to have such a wonderful best friend that will take off work to come to my house to visit and to keep the kids so Eric and could have an anniversary date. It was a great visit. I have the best bestie ever! :) Here are a few pictures from our excursion around town. Note: Kim will not allow me to take very many pictures of her.

On a side note:
I feel like I should add Dental Technician to my "what I am" list in my Mother's day blog. I realized it fit as I was doing the nightly brushing and flossing of three sets of teeth.
Another side note:
I have never doubted that my husband cared about me but when it comes time for gifts he has a hard time. Usually because he waits until the last minute and either buys flowers or something really expensive to make up for having not thought of something I would enjoy. However, this Mother's Day and anniversary I was bombarded with gift certificates for manicures, pedicures, waxing, tanning, facials, massages, and a tropical vacation with ONLY my husband. (looking for babysitters while Eric and I vacation if anyone wants to volunteer) putting all that together I finally asked Eric if he was trying to tell me something. Do I look that unkept? His response, "No I just thought all of those things would make you feel better about yourself. I just want you to feel good and be happy. I think your beautiful just the way you are." Obviously this is in response to my post-baby body complaints. :)Yes, my husband is the best.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Boogity Boogity Boogity.....

Lets go racin' boys! (my best Darrell Waltrip impression) Eric took Ella and Jack to their first race. I stayed home with Kim, John and Ben. It was a good time for Eric to spend with Ella and Jack. It was also the All-Star race. This would mean lots of fun and fireworks. The segments were short so the kids wouldn't get tired of it. They didn't get tired of the race but they were exhausted by 10. They aren't used to being up that late so after arriving, walking in, watching a race, buying shirts, earplugs, cotton candy and cokes, watching some more racing they were worn out. Jack fell asleep in Eric's lap and not long after so did Ella. She woke up and they left when the third segment ended. I am sure Eric was glad that she woke up because the walk to the car carrying two sleeping children would have been torture. They got in about 11:30 and Eric put the kids in bed but they were back up early with stories to tell. They had a blast and today all the kids are running around in their new race shirts.

Tickets to the 25th NASCAR All-Star Race: $150.00
T-shirts: $45.00
Food: $16.50
Memories of the kids first race with their daddy: priceless

Saturday, May 16, 2009

5 Years....and one day.

The beginning

Eric and i celebrated our 5th anniversary yesterday. It is unbelievable to think that it has been 5 years. The condensed version of our last five years goes something like this: Wedding, move to Tuscaloosa, school and co-op, move to Auburn, school, move back to Tuscaloosa, school and a new co-op job, my graduation ceremony, Eric moves back to Auburn, another baby on the way, more school, Eric's graduation, FINISHED with school. Eric gets a job, moves to Florida, Ella and I move in with mom and dad. Move to Naples, FL, welcome baby Jack. Eric builds a hospital, we layout on the beach. Another baby on the way, Eric gets a promotion and a vasectomy, move to Boise, ID., welcome baby John. Eric builds a rehab hospital and i have a miscarriage. Move to Raleigh, NC, another miscarriage, another baby on the way, another vasectomy! Eric builds an addition to a psychiatric hospital. Move in with mom and dad, welcome baby Ben, move to Statesville, NC, Eric gets another promotion. Here I sit looking over the cliff notes of my last five years and i have so many memories, the one constant in all of them is my husband. The man who has stood behind beside me for better or worse, for richer or poorer, "for sicker or wellness" (in Eric's words, HA!), 7 moves, four different states, and four beautiful children. Most of those are because of him but i have to say i would follow him anywhere. Though my life is often difficult it makes it easier to have him here to help me. He does such a wonderful job taking care of me. He loves me when i have been in my pajamas all day, dirty hair, covered in food, poop, pee, spit up and any other bodily fluid you can imagine, dirty house, pile of laundry and no dinner made. Those are the bad days when he comes in makes dinner, bathes kids, cleans the kitchen and does the laundry and insists that i go lay down and rest. I am luckier than Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. I think i just might possible be the luckiest woman in the world. Our life together has been quite a trip over the last five years and i know that we have the rest of our lives for it to get even better and i can't think of anyone i would rather spend it with than my best friend, my husband.

Five years later

Miracle Workers v. Transformers

Thursday was a beautiful day for Jack's soccer game. Kim is here for a visit so Jack was thrilled that there was another cheerleader just for him. I had this idea to make the kids a treat for their last game. Needless to say, i probably over did it a little and ended up spending most of the day painting water bottles. I think i might have had a high from the paint pen. Anyway, i got them finished and they were cute so i guess it was worth it. We packed all the bottles and everything else we take to the games and headed to the YMCA. Our coach was out of town this week so another dad filled in but Jack was still excited and ready to play. Eric arrived just as the game started. It started off well. Okay, by well i mean we were up by 4 in the first few minutes but all the players for both teams were staying on the field so that was good. Anyway, true to their name the Transformers.....well......transformed. One little boy decided he needed to rest so he sat down for the last 3/4ths of the game. I guess being a spectator was better than getting run over by "the tank" (had to Mom since this is my last soccer blog). Anyway, another little boy was running wild just not on the field. He did a little kung fu fighting on the side. It was a fun to watch since the game was the usual, we scored every other minute. Finally, the last little boy on the other team got really tired of our team scoring and would throw a temper tantrum every time we scored (well, mostly the tank did the scoring). I figured i had enough pictures of Jack so i started taking pictures of the cry baby. Finally, the other team had whittled away to two little girls. Sad but true. The score ended up around 15ish to 2 (if you count the goal we scored in their net). 5 out of 6 isn't bad for the first season of soccer. Jack has shown progress. He still follows the other kids instead of the ball on the ground. He tries. He also runs until his "head sweats". That is how he knows he is doing a good job. Enjoy the last set of soccer pictures.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Home Alone

AGHHHHHHHHHH! Eric left last night for Birmingham for a CPR and concrete class. He arrived safely. He won't be back until late Wednesday night. That means i am home alone with the fantastic four. A little scary since each posses their own super powers. Ella has the ability to render her brother defenseless when it come to playing dress up. They can't resist when she commands them to dress as princesses and ballerinas. Jack does not require any sleep. He can get up at 6 or 6:30 and go well past 9 even if he is just in the dark in his room. This means no nap for me. John can climb like Spiderman. I am not sure how he does it but i do know that he can get things that i know were well out of his reach. Maybe he has elastic arms and just stretches to get things. Either way i have to keep my eyes on him. Ben is a super pooper. I don't know how he can poop out the side of a diaper or straight up but it must be a super power. All are capable of becoming tornadoes and completely destroying the house in a moment. This is a dangerous combination. I have to keep a very tight reign on them so they don't use their super powers. If they do my world just might spiral out of control while i am here alone. No breaks, no relief when Eric walks in from work but i got this. Jack cried as Eric drove off and then snuck into Ella's bed for a sleep over. I found him as i made might nightly rounds. I have already made this time without Eric our special time. They got to have a little Dr. Pepper for lunch and we might have a sleepover in Mommy's room tonight. I am not sure if our bed will hold us all. Gymnastics this afternoon and Kim flys in at lunch tomorrow. A short time alone but still a lot to do. Going to look for more fun things for the kids and i to do tonight. Pray for me. :)

Summer Vacation
I know everyone is ready for summer vacations. I am. Too bad we don't get to take one. HA! We will be in town June 4th-7th. Eric has another class in Birmingham. It will be brief but nice. Are any of you coming to visit us? If you are planning to come between now and September let me know now so we can get everyone on the calendar. We do have a guest room with a bathroom but i cannot promise that the kids will not invade this space when visitors are here. You may wake up to a kid staring at you. Ask Wes. :) At this point we are not planning on returning for a visit until after the completion of this job. So come see us.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

My special day is drawing to a close so i thought i would end it with a blog about my thoughts on being a mother. I am privileged to be able to celebrate this day as a mom. I have been blessed with four beautiful children to mother and a beautiful mother to look up to. It is true that you never know how hard it is to be a mother until you become one. No book or person could ever prepare you for the task of raising children. For instance, on any given day i am a:
Doctor/ Nurse (for dolls, people and stuffed animals)
Hair Dresser
Architect/ Engineer (forts are my specialty)
Schedule Maker
Dry Cleaner/ Laundress
Psychologist/ Psychiatrist
Law Enforcement
Party Planner ( i can plan a cool tea party)
Personal Shopper
Story Teller/ Librarian
Garbage Woman
Artist (i am pretty good at finger painting)
Mechanic ( i specialize in toy repair)
Landscaper/ Lawn care provider
All Around Handy Woman

Good thing Mom taught me how to multi-task. It is amazing all the things that a Mom is. Notice i didn't put friend. I didn't put friend because i don't feel like God gave me children so i could be their friend. I am to be a parent. That is why we are called parents and not friends. So many people say that their mom is their best friend but I am so proud to say that my Mom has never been my friend. She will never be my friend. My mom holds such a special place in my heart that calling her a friend would be doing our relationship a disservice. We don't always get along and we often don't even agree but i have never doubted her love and support for me. We often leave our emotions unsaid but it is always understood. I should really tell her more often than Mother's Day that i am really blessed to have her as a Mother and role model. Mom, I love you very much and i thank you for never being a friend but always being a mother. I would also like to point out that i have two very special Grandmothers that have always lent me an ear when i needed to talk and have tried to guide me in the best directions. Grandma was always there to argue with. She always yelled at me in such a loving manner but i knew she really cared and was just trying to get through my hard head. Mawmaw always said "Sweet, it will all be okay as long as you trust in the Lord" and i knew she was right. I am sure my Grandmothers know EVERYTHING! Now that i am married i was blessed with two more beautiful Grandmothers and a caring and Godly Mother-in-law. I happen to think that my mother-in-law did an outstanding job. Eric is the best man i have ever met and i can only thank her for that. It is a blessing to have so many mothers to talk to. All offer wonderful advice and support and i love them all dearly.

My day was fabulous. Eric and the kids made me breakfast in bed and then brought in all my cards. The got me a gift certificate to a tanning and spa place. I think i may be using more of the spa services. We went out for lunch and then home to relax. My favorite thing. We were all together. The kids brought me flowers all day. They like to pick the white ball looking flower out of the patches of clover in the yard. That and dandelions. Apparently, Ella has been picking the things out of the clover patches all week and hiding them in Eric's drawer to give to me today. To bad they all died. :( HA! Since they came from the yard there was plenty more and they were free. I asked Eric at what age i should tell them that they are technically picking weeds for me. I think i will wait because i love that they are thoughtful enough to get me flowers almost daily. Jack came in as i was fixing my hair and told me i was pretty. The weeds and compliments were gift enough for me. Heading to bed. My "work" will be up bright and early waiting on me. I hope all of you that are mother's had a wonderful day full of love, family and relaxation.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Miracle Workers V. Master Minds (again)

Tuesday we played the Master Minds, again. This time we played at the YMCA in Barium Springs instead of the elementary school. It was nice that it was close to our house but the weather was cold and rainy. We got to the fields and only see our goals set up. They apparently didn't have time to line the field because of the rain. It was interesting trying to eyeball the lines. Anyway, the kids played just the same. Jack's friend, Hayden, was back this week. Jack really seems to like him. He was SUPER excited the whole game. You can tell from his face in all the pictures. He had to stand next to Hayden all the time. It was a particularly physical game. Kensley and a boy on the other team gave each other a hard time. Kensley fell on him a few times (i am sure he regrets messing with her, i would have). We were ahead most of the game and the Master Minds were making a comeback but then Kensley returned from the bathroom and we came out on top. We just had a practice on Thursday and our last game is next Thursday. Jack has made a lot of progress and even kicked the ball a few times (yes, really kicked. like on purpose). I was very proud, as i always am.

Wednesday was also a rainy day. Eric came home early since everyone had left the job site due to the bad weather. He happened to look out the back door and saw this funnel cloud across the street. It never touched down but was really neat to see. Yes, we were the crazy people out side taking pictures.

This is when we first saw it.

As it moved away.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Milk... does a body good

Obviously milk is doing Ben's body very good. He weighted in at 12 lbs 1 oz. putting him the 50th percentile for weight and he measured 24 inches long putting him in about the 75th percentile for height for his age. He is looking very healthy. It is looking like he will be more like Jack size wise. I have to say i thought he was going to be larger than that. We are officially moving out of the newborn onesies for the last time. :) Yea! We will be in 3 to 6 month clothing soon. He still loves his sleep. When he is awake he smiles and is starting to coo. He does turn when he hears Eric or I talking. He gets very upset very quickly if he decides he is hungry. He gets hungry a lot but after he eats he is back to a happy baby. He got three shots and an oral vaccine today and seems to be doing fine. He goes back for his four month check-up in July.

In other news, Jack and Ella found one of the missing Easter eggs that was still hidden in the yard. It was the real one. We quickly disposed of it before someone tried to eat it. Glad it is no longer in the yard. Still wondering where the other one is. Oh well. Eric and the kids picked me up from the doctor's yesterday and as i got in the car the first thing Jack wanted to know was, did the doctor put a baby back in my tummy? HA! I quickly explained that there would be no more babies in my tummy. Apparently when mommy goes to the doctor it is because there is a baby in my tummy. I guess that is all he has ever known. :) The hospital is coming along. They are finishing the parking lot. They are supposed to open it tomorrow but Eric says it is still lacking the landscaping. Keep your fingers crossed. The steel is up and they are moving along. Hoping they can stay on schedule. Will keep you posted on the progress. Jack, Ella and John had a sleep over Saturday night. We were able to pull out the trundle and an hour later the three were still on the trundle together reading books. I went back a little after 10 and this what i saw.

John needed his own space so he got in his bed. I am so blessed to have 4 children that love each other and love to be together. Even when they fight they can't be separated.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I am on the D L

That means disabled list not down low (for those of you who are fluent in hood). After last weeks brutal workout with Wes I started having some trouble with my knee. I thought I should probably have it checked since it such an important part of my body. After waiting for what seemed like forever, in a room with hacking children and crippled adults that looked half drugged, I was on my way back to a room. After my brief questionnaire with a nurse (and an eternity waiting) in comes my doctor who looked a lot like Al Roker (the younger and skinnier years). He talked faster than I could process and by the end of the exam he was ordering an x-ray and was out the door. After another forever of waiting, I finally have the x-ray. These forever and eternities are okay because I am quarantined in my own little room where I only hear the hacking of the fellow patients. I am almost positive a "hacker" was in this room before me. I want a shower with lots of anti bacterial soap. Doctor Roker comes in with the final verdict. I have a contusion on my meniscus. Basically inflammation in my knee. Treatment: anti-inflammatory meds and banned from the treadmill until my knee heals. Elliptical here I come.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Miracle Workers v. Shakers and Bakers

Last night's game was quite eventful. The other team only had three players but they were on the older side and had experience. We had five of our players there so i was feeling confident. The game started and....SCORE! What? It wasn't the tank. It was the other team. WOW. We are in for a doozie tonight. They are off again. they go up and down the field a few times and it looks more like a one on one game with Kensley and the other teams lead player. All the other kids were just running around behind them. Jack must not have been in the mood to really get in the game because most of the time he was on the other end of the field walking around. We still aren't sure what was going on but he was an airplane for a bit and then in a sumo stance. He also made tons of facial expressions at the ground, picked a few blades of grass, and walked on all fours, briefly. All the while Kensley and Josh are running up and down the field with the ball. Josh is the only one doing any scoring. Our team started to diminish. After halftime only two of our players were on the field. How had we fallen from glory so quickly??? My faith was renewed when two more of our players joined in. Turns out they were in the bathroom. On an up note, Jack did actually kick the ball twice, i use the word "kick" loosely. He was being an airplane and they kicked the ball right at him. I was so excited. I thought here is his chance. I start yelling "GO JACK, KICK THE BALL, GO JACK!!". The other kids are all kicking at the ball resting at Jack's feet. They get it and off they go. Jack is still an airplane and i believe he never knew the ball was there. Aghhhhhh! He would later get another shot. Same thing. Except this time he was in his sumo stance. Will he ever learn?? Turns out this is the third season for Kensley and Josh. Apparently in their first seasons they picked grass too. There is hope. We ended up losing 6 to 7. The Shakers and Bakers definitely shaked and baked. I tried to get pictures of most of Jack's activities on the field. Enjoy.