Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ella's Kindergarten Screening

We arrived about 8 and signed in. They took Ella's picture and we went into the Library. One of the Kindergarten teachers introduced herself and said they would be calling the children over and asking them a few questions so they could plan where to start the curriculum at the beginning of the school year. After the test the parents would be called over to go over the results. The kids were allowed to play at several round tables while they waited for their turn. Ella was the first over to the tables because we were sitting closest to them. She surveyed all the tables and the different activities at each one. Finally as all the other kids are moving in she picks her table and sits. We watch all the other kids find a table and look back at Ella. No one sat with her. WHAT??? Yes, she sat at a table all by herself watching the other kids and playing with the shapes at her table. I told Eric that i had enough and i was taking her home! :) Finally a "brown" boy walked over and she began to talk his ear off. He wasn't paying much attention but still. Then a teacher began to read and she joined in. Her test finally came and we were called back. She did really well. She had some slip ups and her right and left and on the shapes, sphere and cube. I don't know my left and right most of the time and i was unaware that i was supposed to talk to her about 3 dimensional shapes. In her defense when the lady held up a ball and said what is this she did say a ball. Who would have said a sphere? Anyway, she did really well with cutting, number recognition, counting, and writing. The lady said she made a note about how well she wrote. She is ready to start. We go on August the 20th to the open house and we should have more details then. Now i just have to get her a backpack and school supplies.


Grandpa said...

NOW, That's a DIVA pose!!!!

Anonymous said...

check that out you can see what all she will be expected to know in NC by the end of the year..or any year for that matter...:)

Anonymous said...

"MY Girl! how pretty you look Ella! Aunt Dale wouldn't know what a sphere was either! duh! I know you will do good and be head of the class before you know it..
Much love
Aunt D

Wes said...

I am so proud of her. I knew she would do well. I'm also proud that she held her own at the table. She's a leader. That means she less likely to associate with the glue eaters. Kudos smart girl.