Saturday, August 15, 2009

Baby John

John is having a hard time going to bed alone. He doesn't want to stay in his bed unless someone lays down with him. This is a problem we have every now and then with him but it seems more frequent when we have guests. He gets up and lays on the landing watching everyone down in the living room. Jared is the designated John mover. Every night Jared goes up and if John is sleeping on the landing, Jared moves him to his bed. A few nights ago Jared went up to check and John wasn't there and he wasn't in his bed. Jared checked Ben's room and this is what he found......

Surprisingly, he didn't even wake Ben. Just a little brotherly love. :)


Anonymous said...

how sweet is that??????
Aunt D

Wes said...

Haha. That's awesome!

Anonymous said...

That is so precious!

Mom said...

Is that not the sweetest thing!!
Love the blogs(thanks for all the hard work Whit) and always enjoy reading the comments as well.
Keep'em all coming.

Mari Wilkes Photography said...

Oh my goodness!!!! That's is the sweetest things I've ever seen! My kids would have bitten each other's heads off if one of them tried to sleep with the other one! :)