Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween...Saturday

I finished up my pumpkins and Eric and I took the kids to the Humane Society's Adopt or Treat event. The kids love the animals and it was a good time to show Eric where we go spend our time ( and introduce him to a few soon-to-be new members of our family). We painted the kids faces for the outing. Seemed fitting.

We got home in time to get dressed and trick or treat the neighbors before it go to late. Apparently, our neighbors aren't used to kids living on the street. One house was handing out candy. THat is okay, she loaded them down. I guess she didn't expect any more kids to come by. She was correct. We only had one trick or treater. We made the best of it and Eric got to see them dressed. Off to bed they still had another day of Halloween to celebrate.

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