Friday, October 22, 2010

Fun with the Grands

The kids have been having a blast living with Grandma and Grandpa. Well, Grandpa hasn't been here much. He has been busy at the farm. The kids haven't had more than a few days at a time with their Grandparents because we have never lived close enough to visit often. They have been catching up with Grandma and Grandpa since we are living here and Nana and Papa have a trip to the Peanut Festival planned for them in a few weeks. Until then here are a few pictures of what they have been up to.

Decorating Grandma's office after our parent teacher conference. ( Ella is doing great. 99s and 100s on her report cards. Ben decided he might head to the car and then headed to the office, where i found him. In my defense the teacher had me facing her and the corner. She had a clear shot of the classroom and door and she missed him walking out. Nothing else exciting from the meeting.)

Grandpa was home from the farm for a night so he took us for ice cream.

He let Ben drive home. HA! Only down the street and I guess this Ben's face when he realized he was actually steering. I wish you could have seen mine. :)

And an afternoon movie with Grandma. We saw Nanny McPhee Returns and then rode over to the school Ella and the boys will attend once we get moved. They tested out the playground, they approved. I was trying to keep myself from driving by the house and sitting in the driveway. Mom was trying to find out how to reach Nanny McPhee. HA!

1 comment:

nana said...

I wanna see Nannie McPhee!!!