Tuesday, October 19, 2010

First Day of First Grade..Take Two

After our long and busy Labor day weekend, Ella had to get back to school. She got lots of hugs as we left to go to meet her new class.

We were enrolling her in the same elementary school i attended. It seemed like a very different place once we walked in the doors. We met with the guidance counselor and while she was getting everything taken care of i was busy making sure Ella was ready for the day. You know the things mom's do. Do you have to go to the bathroom? Are you ready? Make lots of friends. Where are your glasses? Are they clean? In all my momminess, i go to clean her glasses and try and straighten them for her and i break them. Yes, i broke my daughters glasses on the first day of school. Some Mom i am. HA. Turns out she is in the same classroom i was in when i was in first grade.When i told her she wanted to know what table i sat at because she sat at the blue table. I explained that back in the day they didn't let us have tables. We had to sit in desks by ourselves. She has done really well but it was an adjustment since they started three weeks before she did. She has done outstanding and we are so proud of her. She even got a tiger pride award. I am not even sure what that is but she was happy so YEA!

We also got a call from our realtor. They were scheduled to review our file on the 16th of September. Ten more days and we may have a new home!

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