Thursday, January 21, 2010

Update.. Part Two

I will get this done... I will get this done. That is my mantra these days. Now where Add Imagedid i leave off..oh yes, the snow. Wes arrived that Saturday and was a great help with the kids. While packing and preparing for the move we found time to go see Santa. Probably not the best idea but it worked. The packers where in Monday morning and out just after lunch. Tuesday they arrived bright and early to load. Melissa took the kids to her house for the morning. BIG HELP! We said our goodbyes to her and she was off to Ohio for Christmas. They finished loading about 5:30 and we finished up and headed to Alabama about 6:30 p.m. It was a good ride. Probably because i only had two kids. I forgot how easy it was to travel with just two. :) We got n late and had a day to rest before Christmas Eve. Eric had to work on the 23rd so he arrived in the early morning hours of Christmas Eve. Kim came over to visit and we went out for our traditional family Christmas movie. We did it a day early since we were having family over on Christmas day. Mom, Dad, Wes, Eric, Kim, the kids and I took in Alvin and the Chipmunks, the Squeakual.

We got home just in time for dinner and then get the kids in bed so Santa could come. Tree was lit, stockings were stuffed and gifts were under the tree. Off to bed in anticipation of an early morning.

11:30 Ella is throwing up. Was this really happening? Yes it was. By the time i got up Christmas morning Ella was running a high fever. Ben was up first and then Jack. No one was up early. I had to wake John and persuade Ella to come down to open gifts so Ben could go back down for a nap. We opened gifts and the kids LOVED it! Aunt Kim, Uncle Terry, Lauren, and Audrey arrived and then Grandma and Papa and Mawmaw and Shellie. It was a day full of fun and family. It was a GREAT Christmas. What more could i have asked for? Well, I guess it would have been better if Ella wasn't sick. Still a great day. We had to rest and get packed because we were off to Dothan on the 26th. We made it out early enough to stop by for a visit with Aunt
Dale and Aunt Betty before they left for their beach trip. It was a wonderful visit. The kids love their fish. (Aunt Dale, send me some of those pictures) On to Eric's parents.

We arrived and opened gifts. Ella was feeling much better this go round. We got to visit with his Mawmaw and his cousin Ashley while we were there. It was a short but good visit. The 27th we were headed to Florida. Movers arrived the 28th to unload all our stuff. Mom and Dad also made the trip down to help us unpack. Mom brought food so i didn't have to cook for a few days. Dad and Eric got the hot tub set up. It was on the top of the priority list. :) We had the house unpacked in about a day and a half. I am getting quicker. HA!

Flash forward to now, January 21, 2010. We are all settled. Ella is in school and loves it. Her teacher had her appendix removed so this week is Ella first week with her actually teacher. All has been going well and she is making friends. Last Thursday she got cornered on the playground by some boys from another class. She was separated from her friend Derek and they circled around her and wouldn't let her go. She said she asked them to let her go but they wouldn't and they were much stronger than she was. She began to cry as she told me the story. I could tell it scared her. I asked if they touched her and she said no and i asked if they said anything and she said the leader said she was a "hot chick" and she said " I am not!". Derek told the teacher and the boys got in trouble. I think she took "hot chick" as an insult. We also tried out two different gymnastics classes this week. At both gyms she is good enough to be place in a pre-team class. This would be more like what she was doing in Statesville. Of course, she likes the gym we don't. Prayers and consultations with her coaches so we can make a good decision.

The boys are all great. Ben is jabbering more and standing on his own. Also has another tooth on the bottom. Four on top and four on bottom. We have found t-ball for Jack in the spring and summer and a flag football for the fall and Karate. We will see what he chooses to participate in. No classes for John's age. Stinks.

We have started looking at churches. Haven't found it yet but will keep searching. This is my least favorite part of moving. Jack has been talking about Jesus and God a lot. Every time someone does something he says " that is not nice and that makes Jesus and God sad". You get the idea. Anyway, recently his take on the trinity has changed a bit. Now he says " that is not nice and that makes Jesus and God and Santa sad". :)

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I think that's the behavior trinity to MANY children. :)

Glad you were able to have a nice Christmas amidst the chaos.