Sunday, January 3, 2010

Tough life

As we get settled and back into our old routine in our new home we are finding that life is tough. It was in the 50s here today.

We made the best of it but it was hard. :) we got out to the mall and then just drove for a bit (and had a hot tub party). We are going to get Ella registered for school in the morning. Still no phone or internet but I will keep you posted on my handy dandy iPhone.


Anonymous said...

It is 19 degrees here this morning with a wind chill of between 10-12 degrees......sorry you're having to suffer in 50 degree weather.

Can't wait to come get in that hot tub! I don't care how warm it is when I get there either!!

Love y'all! Kim

Anonymous said...

Whitney you really shouldn't post pictures of such suffering!!