Saturday, January 23, 2010

We're walking....

sort of. Ben took his first steps Thursday, January 21st. (Excuse the date it is for when i make my blog book). I am not quite sure he realized that he wasn't holding anything and after the second step i squealed and then he noticed he was all on his on. He has taken a few more steps here and there. We are still taking two, three and four steps at a time but he gets a little better everyday. Another milestone. So proud! He has also made his maiden voyage up the stairs. He tries to get up them every chance he gets now. Hopefully he will learn to climb down the stairs so i don't have to worry. Another month and he will be ONE!

Sorry, about the video. It is a little hard to get him on camera. I will continue to try and get a better one. Consider this a preview. :)

I forgot to mention in the update that Santa did bring me a potty trained John for Christmas. We had a bit of regression with the move but things are back on track and he is more than happy to pee in the yard, off the porch, and anywhere else he thinks is cool. I am not complaining. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how CUTE!!!! he is such a doll baby!! I enjoyed reading and catching up on the blog. that upsets me about Ella getting cornered. How old were these boys? I hope they got punished! so there must have been physical contact if they were stronger than her. Id be beating some but!!!
Sounds like ya'll have setteled in pretty good. Hope to cme visit before it gets tooo hot.
Love you all..kisses for everyone..

Aunt D