Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Glorious Day

I know most of you are just thawing out from the recent freeze and even though we are in Florida we have experienced the cold too. Okay maybe not that cold, but the highs in the 40s and windy makes for a pretty miserable day. It has started to warm and today was glorious! The boys and i worked in the garage a bit today and then picked up Ella from school. We spent the rest of the afternoon playing in the yard. It is HUGE. Well huge compared to our other yards. It feels larger because we have so much privacy. I tried to get pictures but i was busy playing too. Here is what we did on our first (of many) beautiful days in our new home.

Jack and John played frisbee with the dogs. I don't know who enjoyed it the most.

Ella and I shot a little B-Ball. Check the jump shot. :)

They went on an exploration (under my watchful eye)

Their "discoveries". They also found a few places that the raccoons could be coming from.

We started by fishing the frisbee out of the water. Then tried for a fish.

After a call to Daddy. He arrived to show us how it was done. ( It got away) :(

Ben enjoyed his afternoon too.

This is where most of Eric's free time will be spent.

My Mom brought me lasagna when they came so i threw it in the oven and now i have some pretty cool people waiting on me in the hot tub. :)

Flash to later:
I hopped in the hot tub and as we were chillin' Ella told me that when she grew up and didn't have kids she was going to be a doctor. I told her that was great. The rest went like this..
Me: What kind of doctor do you want to be?
Ella:I am going to be a doctor that will help make you small..
Me: Oh, so like a plastic surgeon
Ella: yeah, and and i saw a commercial that you need
Me: what was it
Ella: it will help make you small like here (pointing to her legs) here (waist) and here (chest)
Me: well what was it?
Ella: it was on t.v. it was, it was like a chair and you do a chair dance like this (she shakes her hiney around). It even comes with a pole.

At this point Eric is laughing.... he asks if it is like a fireman's pole.

Ella:yeah, like a fireman's pole. and you learn to do a chair dance and a pole dance and it makes you small, it is exercise, it really is!
Me: maybe i should just use the elliptical.
Ella: no that won't work. this would only take 6 weeks.

I just turned my head and laughed at the thought of my 5 year old suggesting i take up pole dancing as my exercise program. Eric wasn't so good at hiding his laughter. Ella had no clue what was so funny. Lesson: restrict T.V. watching! Dang commercials.

1 comment:

Leslie said...


Glad to have you back!