Friday, January 29, 2010


Sometimes they are hard and sometimes it is as easy as tennis shoes or flip flops. Sometimes it is as easy as toilet lid up or down. Considering i found three Reader's Digest in the toilet (thanks Ben), lid down. :) Then you have times where decisions are a little harder. Like do you leave your family for a job? When Eric and i started our journey the deal was we would always go together. That doesn't mean that there won't be delays. Sometimes he needs to go ahead and we are separated for a few weeks or a month but as a whole we stay together. Well, we our in our new home and have officially been here a month. Eric got a call about an opportunity to run some (three) small jobs consecutively in Georgia. That is right a good 6-7 hour drive away from our new home. It was his decision. Stay or go? We talked for a couple of nights and he talked to co-workers and sought advice from an old Superintendent. After all was said, it was his decision alone. I prayed and today he decided. Eric is going to GEORGIA!! I am so excited for him. These are just small jobs but they are HIS jobs. :) The kids and i will remain here in Florida and he will come home as much as he can. These jobs will start in March and he should finish in June. It will be difficult on Eric and I but we will shield the kids from most of it. We will continue our routine and he will be home before we know it. This is such an exciting time. Congratulations Eric on finally getting your own job!!!


The Reeds said...

You are SUPERMOM! If anyone can do it, it's you! By the way, if I haven't told you before, you have four cute little munchkins:)

Leslie said...

Congrats to the hubs! Man, your life is a whirlwind these days, huh?

The Presleys said...

I sort of know the feeling. Neal now owns the pharmacy and is always at work. Granted, he does come home every night, but what good is that when its at 7pm and one kid is asleep and the other is only an hour away from bed time. I don't know how you do it with four, but you do an amazing job! And congrats to Eric on the big jobs!!!!

Anonymous said...




mom and dad said...

Congrats and blessings to you, Eric! May the Lord bless all that you put your hand to!!
much love,
mom & dad ( i meant to put mom & dad on the birthday post instead of papa/nana)