Monday, May 4, 2009

Milk... does a body good

Obviously milk is doing Ben's body very good. He weighted in at 12 lbs 1 oz. putting him the 50th percentile for weight and he measured 24 inches long putting him in about the 75th percentile for height for his age. He is looking very healthy. It is looking like he will be more like Jack size wise. I have to say i thought he was going to be larger than that. We are officially moving out of the newborn onesies for the last time. :) Yea! We will be in 3 to 6 month clothing soon. He still loves his sleep. When he is awake he smiles and is starting to coo. He does turn when he hears Eric or I talking. He gets very upset very quickly if he decides he is hungry. He gets hungry a lot but after he eats he is back to a happy baby. He got three shots and an oral vaccine today and seems to be doing fine. He goes back for his four month check-up in July.

In other news, Jack and Ella found one of the missing Easter eggs that was still hidden in the yard. It was the real one. We quickly disposed of it before someone tried to eat it. Glad it is no longer in the yard. Still wondering where the other one is. Oh well. Eric and the kids picked me up from the doctor's yesterday and as i got in the car the first thing Jack wanted to know was, did the doctor put a baby back in my tummy? HA! I quickly explained that there would be no more babies in my tummy. Apparently when mommy goes to the doctor it is because there is a baby in my tummy. I guess that is all he has ever known. :) The hospital is coming along. They are finishing the parking lot. They are supposed to open it tomorrow but Eric says it is still lacking the landscaping. Keep your fingers crossed. The steel is up and they are moving along. Hoping they can stay on schedule. Will keep you posted on the progress. Jack, Ella and John had a sleep over Saturday night. We were able to pull out the trundle and an hour later the three were still on the trundle together reading books. I went back a little after 10 and this what i saw.

John needed his own space so he got in his bed. I am so blessed to have 4 children that love each other and love to be together. Even when they fight they can't be separated.


Wes said...

Haha. Brings back memories of my visit. You've got a houseful of little snugglers, fo sho.

Anonymous said...

love those little snugglers!!!
Hope to see you soon.
Just got back from NY(4 days) of walking in the rain with my cane..baaaaad!
Leaving for Dothan on Fri. will talk to you..
much love,
Aunt D

nana said...

I'm ready to do some snugglin' with 'em!
much love