Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ella and Jack's yearly Check-up

Today was the day. Ella and Jack had appointments right in the middle of nap time. It was okay. We made it there with time to spare and got called right back. The kids weighted and had their height measured. Ella had a mini eye test and a hearing test. Eric came in right as things were starting to unravel. John was spilling goldfish on the floor, Ben was realizing he was STARVING,(He is always starving at the most inopportune times) and i was trying to fill out the mounds of medical history paper work for two kids. Then we were corralled into a small room where the boys started playing tug of war with the bag of goldfish and then a chair while Eric tried to bounce a very loud and unhappy Ben on his knee. Finally i lost it and had Eric referee the boys while i fed Ben on the left side so i still had my right hand free to continue filling out the paperwork. Ella sat and drew in her notebook. God bless her. Anyway, they all settled in and the doctor came in and started with Jack. He looked right on track. Weight was 35 pounds and height was 42 inches. That puts him about 70th percentile for weight and the 98th percentile for height. Yes, he was just off the top of the height chart. Ella was up next. She weighted 39 pounds and was 45 inches tall. That is about the 36th percentile for weight and the 82nd for height. (the scale at home weights the kids a few pounds lighter) She has already had all her necessary shots so it was a Hep A today and a finger prick for an iron check and a urine sample. She was set. Then they handed us all the papers. All the papers i wasn't ready to receive. School papers. Yes, it is now time to decide whether we will let her start kindergarten in Troutman or if we will home school. A big, scary decision but one we have to make since they have already had registration. I am going to pick up a registration packet so it will all be completed IF we decide to go there. For the record, Ella's vote is to go there. :) Ella was a brave girl with her shot and finger prick so we said goodbye to daddy and headed off for some ice cream. The pain was nothing a banana split couldn't fix.


Wes said...

I think that picture of Ella and Jack is incredible. Weird to think that Ella's about to start school and it's also weird to think that Jack is basically on track to be a giant. Looks like his body is catching up to his mouth. Hah. I keed, I keed.

Anonymous said...

another whitney & Wes! they are precious as always..our lil princess is really growing up fast and Jack man right behind her! Hope I get to see ya'll before my trip!! Glad all was well at the appt.
love you all
Aunt d

Anonymous said...

From a teaching perspective if you'd like it. With as involved as I know you will be it would be great for her to be in public school. From living and working in a transient community it is rough on small children. Either way I know you will do what is best for Ella. Just from moving midyear myself. Make sure if you have a move in the year that it is before the second semester starst or really close. For curiculum's sake that helps the most so there are not 'holes' in the education that she recieves at school.

Just a few thoughts....btw I am in Marion...on the other side of Hickory....