AGHHHHHHHHHH! Eric left last night for Birmingham for a CPR and concrete class. He arrived safely. He won't be back until late Wednesday night. That means i am home alone with the fantastic four. A little scary since each posses their own super powers. Ella has the ability to render her brother defenseless when it come to playing dress up. They can't resist when she commands them to dress as princesses and ballerinas. Jack does not require any sleep. He can get up at 6 or 6:30 and go well past 9 even if he is just in the dark in his room. This means no nap for me. John can climb like Spiderman. I am not sure how he does it but i do know that he can get things that i know were well out of his reach. Maybe he has elastic arms and just stretches to get things. Either way i have to keep my eyes on him. Ben is a super pooper. I don't know how he can poop out the side of a diaper or straight up but it must be a super power. All are capable of becoming tornadoes and completely destroying the house in a moment. This is a dangerous combination. I have to keep a very tight reign on them so they don't use their super powers. If they do my world just might spiral out of control while i am here alone. No breaks, no relief when Eric walks in from work but i got this. Jack cried as Eric drove off and then snuck into Ella's bed for a sleep over. I found him as i made might nightly rounds. I have already made this time without Eric our special time. They got to have a little Dr. Pepper for lunch and we might have a sleepover in Mommy's room tonight. I am not sure if our bed will hold us all. Gymnastics this afternoon and Kim flys in at lunch tomorrow. A short time alone but still a lot to do. Going to look for more fun things for the kids and i to do tonight. Pray for me. :)
I know everyone is ready for summer vacations. I am. Too bad we don't get to take one. HA! We will be in town June 4th-7th. Eric has another class in Birmingham. It will be brief but nice. Are any of you coming to visit us? If you are planning to come between now and September let me know now so we can get everyone on the calendar. We do have a guest room with a bathroom but i cannot promise that the kids will not invade this space when visitors are here. You may wake up to a kid staring at you. Ask Wes. :) At this point we are not planning on returning for a visit until after the completion of this job. So come see us.
we are planning on coming i am pretty sure. not sure when yet though. we need to see with school and then if we are going to go see the rest of the family. i will let you know later but keep some weeks open for us.
love you bunches!
I have already been prayin' for ya'll-hang in there. You can put that certificate to use when he gets back!!! Let us know what weeks are open and when the time is good-Dale said she was coming w/us.
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