Monday, March 16, 2009

Eric's Promotion

YEAH!!! It is finally official, Eric is an Assistant Superintendent. We have known since the Fall that he would be getting a promotion after the Raleigh job. All the paper work has gone through and the official e-mail has gone out! His job will not change but it is a nice title. I am very proud of how hard he works. No title will ever change that. He loves what he does and the company he works for so i am thrilled to see him excel. Congratulations Eric!!


Anonymous said...

What a smart husband you have and I a nephew! I am soooo proud of him to. Actually, I'm proud of both of you. You both have acheived so much in such a short time!!(4 babies, too) which are beautiful by the way! It takes both of you to make it work so apparently your doing something right. Can't wait to come see you.
I love you all
Aunt D
thanks for blogging!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Eric!!!! Goodness knows you deserve it; you've worked very hard and have been very dedicated to results. I hope things are progressing smoothly on your current project.
Love to everyone! Talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Eric! You deserve it.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS ERIC!!!! We are SOOOOOOOO PROUD of you AND Whitney!! I knew that God would honor your dedication and hard work!!!