Monday, March 2, 2009

My first test

I have only been home with Ben for four days and i am already being tested. Ever since we got home things have been wild. Between getting settled, visitors and getting Ben to his check ups every other day, i have had to deal with sick kids. Yes, it started with John Saturday morning. He woke up and got sick in his bed. He seemed to do better through the day (except for throwing up in the restaurant at lunch) but then he was sick again Saturday morning. He wasn't eating or drinking much and was running a fever so we were getting concerned. Trying to deal with a clingy not feeling good , one year old when you have a newborn can be challenging. Sunday, came around and there was no vomit but he was running a fever again and was really grouchy. He and Eric slept until lunch while the rest of us went to church. He got up and drank some fluids but was back asleep until the afternoon. We spent the rest of the evening dealing with diarrhea. I got all the kids in bed sure that a good night sleep would help, i hear the call....MOMMY! I walk in the room to hear Ella say "Jack threw up on me". Great! Here we go again. Jack continued to throw up about every two hours through the night. I am not sure how many towels and sheets we went through. This morning was more of the same. Laundry was a non-stop process today. I finally got his fever down and thought we were looking up, only for him to throw up in Dad's store and then again when he got home. I am hopeful that this will all be passed when he wakes in the morning. We have to be at the Dr. appointment for Ben at 9. I would like to say that i was successful in handling all the sickness and other kids at the same time but i didn't. Thank the Lord that Wes and Mom were here (Dad too, he is really good at holding Ben :)). They were able to do what i couldn't when i was tending to Ben. Of course, they were both gone at 12 today so i did have to wing it until Mom got back home. I was relieved to hear her come through the door! I thought things would be a little easier when i came home. I could have never prepared for this. This is my life as a mommy of four and i am happy with that. :)

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