Monday, March 2, 2009

A classic

As i think back to my childhood and the time i spent at my Grandparents i remember cow feeders, a creek, a brick hut with a tin roof, a wooden rocking horse, goats and a pony, and most importantly...a tire swing. I don't remember much because the tree was lost in a storm some years ago but i do remember swinging on the tire swing with my cousins in the pasture. That seems like something you only see "The Wonder Years" reruns these days. Everyone goes out and buys swing sets with slides, swings, monkey bars, and a sandbox. Yes, they are fun but nothing can replace a good tire swing. In an attempt to occupy the kids my mom put them to work making a swing. They got the rope over the limb and then realized they had no tire. The kids called Grandpa to see if he had a spare "wheel" (jack's word). He didn't. The next few days Dad looked for a tire for their swing. Finally, Thursday it was finished. Eric got the tire tied up and off they went. I am glad they will have fond memories of a tire swing too.

1 comment:

Mari Wilkes Photography said...

Gotta love the tire swing!! We had one at our house growing up, and I received my first concussion from it. I fell off backwards while pushing a friend and hit a rock. Didn't stop me from getting back on, though. They are the best things in childhood!! :) Very much a classic!