Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Jivin' John

John is getting big. Talking more everyday and is getting a bit clearer. So glad that the speech issue seems to have resolved itself. I guess i should have let him go at his on pace but never hurts to stay on top of things. He loves to go. Anywhere. Always on the move and if you don't hear him you should go and find what he is in to. He loves to unroll the toilet paper. Not sure why but he will unroll the whole roll and then hide the toilet paper in a basket or just leave it on the floor. I can't complain too much since he is usually in there to go to the bathroom. Yes, John has decided that he would like to potty train. I believe it is his "i am a big boy" , "anything you can do i can do better" attitude. I was happy to wait about 6 more months before we started this journey. I have found that waiting until they are closer to three makes the process easier on everyone and it takes a fraction of the time. Ella trained in a week and Jack was about a month. John told us in the car one day when he needed to go so i figured he must really want to. He is doing well. The peeing he has gotten the hang of (he needs to be reminded when he first wakes up) and the #2 is coming along. He does pretty well when he is under a watchful eye. :) I told Eric we might have one in diaper at Christmas. What will we do with only one in diapers? Eric says we will be very HAPPY! :) Yea for growing up!


The Presleys said...

Having only one in diapers means time for another!! HAHA I kid, I kid! I will be so happy to have 1 in diapers because that means in about a year I will have no one in diapers!!! Glad everyone is doing well!

nana said...

He looks a very busy little man!!!