Monday, November 2, 2009

Jumpin' Jack

Jack has finished his soccer season. I don't know if he was any better this go around than he was in the spring. He loves it though. He always has so much fun interacting with other children and just running around in general. Melissa, his coach, did bring him (and John) a trophy. He is starting to ask for school work and is really stepping in as my "big helper". We are trying to work some school time into our schedule. He is enjoying having Eric home more and loves playing with John. He also loves the new computer. I think he uses it the most. :) He takes pictures and videos throughout the day. Here are a few.

1 comment:

Mari Wilkes Photography said...

Awwwwwwww, he looks sooooo grown up and sooooo much like your brother and daddy! I CANNOT believe that he will be four in January! When I first met you guys, Ella was Aby's age and you were 5 months preggo with Jack. Man, does time fly! I miss you guys so much, it's painful! :)