Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Private Ball

Sorry there is no visual but I am having to blog from my phone because our Internet is out. To premise this story i must explain our bath time. Ever since the kids were little we have always refered to their "area" as their privates. Since we have opened that door we get all kinds of questions during their bath but, for me, this was a first. Tonight Eric was hanging cabinets in the garage so while I helped with the last one I sent the kids up to start their bath. When I come in I follow the trail of clothes that have been peeled off on the way to the bath. By the time I reach the top of the stairs I hear all the splashing and delight of three kids in the bath. I walk in and get Ben set up so I can bathe the others and as I turn around this is what I hear; Ella said "Mommy Jack only has one private ball left" and I said "what?" That was my first mistake. I was really hoping she would take that as a retorical question but no such luck. Jack chimes in "I only have one private ball left." Ella said "he used one when he tee teed". Jack then follows with "yeah I had two private balls but but but I used one, yeah I used it. " as I stand there looking at my kids I make my second mistake. I ask "who told you about private balls"? Ella and Jack both say "DADDY". As I stand there confused and trying to avoid explaining how you can't use up a ball when you pee Eric walks in the door. I ask if he knows about private balls. He says no but I can tell that he knows. He smiles and asks why and by the time I recap and get to the part where the kids pin him as the culprit he is laughing. I ask him if wants to share with me what he said. His response " no, not really. " The kids were back to splashing. I am grateful that their attention spans are short. I guess I will never know the story behind the private balls. It was a nice laugh.


The Reeds said...

HILARIOUS!!! We've had multiple discussions about what to call privates and bodily functions. Luckily we have a little while to decide:)

nana said...

WHOA!!! ELLA AND JACK WILL TELL ALL!!!! Where did the other ball go??

Anonymous said...

this is tooooo funny!! lollollol!!
What precious kids!! I love you all..what a family!!!
Aunt D

PS I too would like to know where the other ball went?? lol!

Warren & Nicole Tyus said...

I finally took the time to figure out how to leave comments and what better blog to comment on, that was so funny, sounds like your kids are your own personal comedians just like mine, I love all of your blogs and enjoy hearing how you and your beautiful bunch are doing! take care...