Today has been a lazy day. Eric went to work and John has had a fever since yesterday so we hung out here. We aren't sure if the fever is something John picked up at the Y or if it has something to do with that big tooth coming in. Anyway, he has been super clingy and lazy and when I don't have him I have Ben. However, there were a couple of funny conversations today. Here they are.
I was giving Ben a bath and Ella came in to ask me if I could read her a bedtime story. I said sure and she sat and I read while I finished with Ben. As I finished the book I told her to head up to her bed. The rest sounded like this:
Ella: I need to kiss Ben goodnight. (in her best baby voice) night night my precious baby Ben. Your my love.
Me: Your love?
Ella: yeah, and Sam is my love dog and Ben is my love boy.
Me: what about Jack, John, Sally, Mommy and Daddy? What are we?
Ella: (smiles really big. I can tell she is thinking. )
Me: how about Jack can be your love big man, John can be your love little man, Ben can be your love baby, Sam can be your love boy dog, Sally can be your love girl dog, I can be your love mommy and daddy can be your love daddy.
Ella: (giggling) yeah
Me: wow, our house has a lot of loves in it.
Ella: and pee!
Hahahahahah. I bet you didn't see that coming. Neither did I. I guess that is better than something else. Here is to love and pee. :)
Eric read a bedtime story to Jack and John and got them tucked in. As Eric was leaving this is what he heard:
Jack: daddy don't leave. I get scared.
Eric: Jack there is nothing to be scared of.
Jack: but I just want to sleep in your bed.
Eric: Jack you don't need to sleep in my bed.
Jack: but I do. What if the monsters come in and try to get me.
Eric: monsters?
Jack: yeah the ones with mean eyes and skinny boobies.
Yeah, he isn't scared of a monster's teeth but of skinny boobies? I wonder if he is talking about me? :) HA!
-- Post From My iPhone
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