Monday, April 6, 2009

The Easter Bunny

We had to go to Costco in Charlotte yesterday and when we walked in the door there he was...The Easter Bunny. Sad to say the kids don't know much about the bunny. I believe this is the first picture they have ever taken with him. I thought they may be a little scared of a man dressed as a bunny but they had no reservations about going up and saying hello. Eric assisted John at first but after a friendly high five John knew it was all good. Little did i know that they were taking pictures to raise money for the children's miracle network. I thought i was really lucky i had my camera in my purse and was snapping away. Ooops. I did pay for a picture and donated on top of that to compensate for the pictures i took. We hung out by the bunny for a bit and watched other kids pass (he was sitting next to the TVs and jewelry so i didn't mind). I didn't think that many children would shy away from such a large bunny. However, this one toddler started screaming from the time they entered the store. The closer they got to the bunny the louder he screamed. As they passed the bunny waved at the child and that sent him into a fit. At that point i thought my eardrums were going to burst. I think the bunny did it for kicks. I would have. :)

1 comment:

nana said...

Looks like Ben was snoozing!! You guys are growing sooo fast!!!!