Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bend it like Brackin

Today Jack had is very first soccer practice. He is quite possibly the cutest soccer player i have ever seen. Skills...uhm...maybe not the best i have ever seen. We missed registration and so we are late getting into the season. He only missed two practices so i am hoping he will get the hang of it and catch up with his team mates. He is on the "miracle workers" team. At first i thought it would be a miracle if they won but i have high hopes. I have lovingly named one of the girls "the tank". As long as she is goalie we are sure to win. I found myself yelling already. "Don't touch the ball, use your feet, no hands, listen to your coach Jack," and channeling my parents "hustle". I even called him over to the sideline for a "pep" talk. Then observing Eric's intense stares, i realize we are "those" parents. Do or die. All the way. Quite possible ban from sporting events at some point. HA! Lets hope not. I think we were really excited to see Jack on his first sports team that he could enjoy. This was something just for him. By the end of the practice he had picked up a lot. I still don't think he quite gets why the goalie stops his ball from going in and kicks it back to him. The coach said he did really well just coming in. I think she was happy he stayed on the field and paid attention the whole time. One little girl spent most of her time rolling around on the ground in the goal and eating grass. Ella and John did plenty of running around the field. It was a beautiful day to be out. Jack has 6 games. Pictures Monday, game Tuesday and Thursday of next week. We are thrilled. Superstar? Maybe.


Wes said...

Nice! Between scratching his butt, watching a teammate eat grass like a cow, and perfecting a lethal kick it looks like Jack had great day. And he looks cool too. Good job Jack! I'm going to have to come see a game.

Anonymous said...

what would our day be without an update from the brackin bunch?? its usually the high light of my day and almost always amusing and funny! thanks for making my day. Yea Jack! go man go! you look great and your cheerleaders looked VERY intense! It seemed like sooooo much fun..
Love you all
Aunt d