Friday, October 10, 2008

Jack goes to gymnastics

So, after Ella's first gymnastics class and Jack's many tears over not getting to participate I attempted to get Eric to commit to allowing him to join a class last week. Apparently, I should have given him more than a days notice on my idea because it caused him a great deal of stress. In Eric's words "he needed to wrap his head around his son going to gymnastics". I guess i should have said play group or a strength and flexibility training class. For Eric the mention of Jack and gymnastics in the same sentence brought up mental pictures of our son in a leotard dancing on a balance beam. Anyway, one week later and a lot of talks about how ridiculous and limiting Eric was being he was good with the class. Today was his first day! He was so excited and so was i. We get there and wait for all the other to come. Please Lord, let there be a boy in his class so i can tell Eric......HA! No such luck. Four little girls. :) As they start to go in i realize that their parents are going in to. Wait, what? I ask, am i supposed to go in? The lady says "yes, this is a mommy and me class". Hold up....Back the bus up for one minute....I look around at Ella and John and think we should just get in the car and go now. Too late. Jack is already in taking his turn on the trampoline. Geez, why didn't i re-read the class description??? This is more like mommy and three! Ella sits in a corner and plays and John hangs with me as i help guide Jack. They had a slide into the foam pit, talked about fires, practiced their stop,drop and roll, and then were allowed some free play all over the gym. Jack and John had a blast in the class. Even though it is pretty busy for me i think i will continue to take him because he loves it. We then grabbed a bite of lunch and back to the gym for Ella's class. Busy morning but well worth it!


Anonymous said...

How long will this class last? Hopefully he will understand as you get closer to the due date. Sounds fun. Glad to hear you all are doing well...HG

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I just got yelled at by Scot - "My son will never be in gymnastics!!!" Apparently it is a daddy thing. Tell Eric that he has 3 boys, so if one wants to be cool and take gymnastics, he'll have two left that might not want to. :) Miss you guys!!