Sunday, November 3, 2013

The last time

The last time i was on my blog was, well, a long time ago. There had even been a point when i tried to catch up on the months of activities i had failed to write about. Turns out my anniversary post made it to the blog in Febuary. That is almost a year later. Honestly, life is kicking my butt right now. I wish i could say it was the gym doing the butt kicking.

Once again we find ourselves in the same position that we were in that warranted the beginning of this blog. We are currently living in Naples, FL....again. It is beautiful here but it is so far away from everyone. No promises this time but i will try to keep our blog updated from time to time.

The last time you saw pictures of Ella was actually Mother's Day 2011 despite the date i actually got around to posting the pictures. Flashback.........

 Ella May 2011

Flash forward to Halloween 2013.......

Ella is in 4th grade this year and still says she loves school but according to her teachers she is a daydreamer. I hope she is dreaming big. Sewing, reading, dancing (in her own style), bossing her brothers around, and generally pretending she is in charge are her hobbies these days. She marches to the beat of her own drum. She is still super sweet and we haven't reached the girl-i-tude i hear is coming. For that i am grateful! She is a genuine joy. We are closing in on her 10th birthday. I just don't know if i can handle it. 

Stay tuned for updates on the boys and if you are lucky you might get an update on Eric and i too. 

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