Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mama readers! I hope the day is super special for you because you deserve it.

I want to share with you how i feel about my motherhood. Not because it will make an interesting post but when i print my blogs into a book i want to go back and read all the things i will have probably forgotten. I have four beautiful little babies. Well, none of them are babies anymore. I can't tell you how happy that makes me. They are all growing up right before my eyes and it doesn't make me sad in the least. I am nothing short of the proudest mother in the world. They think i am the coolest mom ever. Can you blame them. :) (Just a little pat on my back). I cherish these days because as they get older i will become less cool (i hope, if not i am doing something wrong) and will not be near as smart as they think i am now. The older they get i will turn into a mean prude of an old lady who couldn't fathom understanding what is going on in their teenage lives. Okay, well i hope it is never that extreme but i am prepared. My only hope for them is that they also know that the old prude loves them beyond measure and only wants the best. I say no to protect them and show them i love them never because i am angry or mean. I am prepared for them to yell at me and call me names. It doesn't mean it will make it any easier to hear. I am prepared for them to grow into beautiful people who will leave my house to find their own way in this world. It doesn't mean they won't take a piece of my heart when they go. I think i can handle that trade. I get space and peace and quiet. HA! I hope they aren't to hard on me as they grow up. And now that i have thought of some of the things to come i turn my focus back on them now. The blessing of getting to stay home with them daily. We play, clean, eat, laugh, snuggle, build forts, fish (sort of), and swim. None of which i take for granted. I cherish ever moment i spend with them ( i try and forget the moments when i want to pull my hair out) . I can close my eyes and map their little faces in my head. Like Ella's not green but not brown eyes and Jack's mark under his eye and his dad's mouth, John's big forehead that i cover with his long hair and Ben's big head, fat cheeks and the way his two bottom teeth turn in just enough to make a V shape. Things i think i will never forget but know that as time changes so will they so i write things here so those memories will always be with me because one day i will close my eyes and i will see Ella with long hair headed to college or getting married or in a hospital bed holding her own baby; Jack all grown up with a hairy face and driving a truck, John in a baseball uniform and hopefully he will have grown into his forehead; and Ben will finally be bigger than both of his big brothers and still have a baby face. I like to think that i will always see their baby faces somewhere when i look at them no matter how old they are. What ever they grow up to become i pray the Lord will guide them and bless them and they will follow the path he has planned for them. They make my Mother's day so special.

I have prepared for many of the things to come because those were some of the things i put my mother through. Mom, i am sorry for all the mean things i said when i was 10 (at any age really), the times i should have come to you and didn't, all the times i thought you wouldn't understand but you would have know just what to say. You have always been there waiting for me to come to you and pushing me to make my own decisions so that i would grow up to be the woman i am now. You have always given me guidance and a love that i could have never gotten from anyone else. I know you are proud of me but i want you to know i am proud to have you as my mother. Much love to you on this Mother's Day.

Now on to what we did today.

It was a beautiful day and i was thankful that i was surrounded by my kids and Eric. We took him to the airport this afternoon and are ready for another week. I hope your day was just as special.


Leslie said...

A wise, wise mother you already are. :) You have a beautiful family for sure. You can definitely be proud of them!

Anonymous said...

Hey, and Happy belated Mothers Day!! Kiss all the babies for me. Lets talk soon..
aunt D