Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Tyeisha (tie-EE-sha) Sparkles Brackin. She is not a new addition but she does now (after 2 1/2 years ) have a name.

On the way home from school Ella asked me what my car's name was. I told her it didn't have one. She said well every car should have a name. I asked for suggestions. She said it should be a girl car since I was a girl. Girl power. :) She thought only a moment before she bestowed the name Tyeisha on my car. Tyeisha it is. As if that wasn't bad enough Jack shouts ,from the backseat, he wants to name her Sparkles. Great. Now I drive around a beautiful Suburban that goes by the name Tyeisha Sparkles. I can't tell you how proud I am. :)


Leslie said...

Oooh, I can't wait until Tucker's old enough to help me name my car. :) I've always loved cars with names, but never come up with a good enough name to stick.

Wes said...

Argh! I was going to name my next car tyeisha sparkles. Dang