Friday, February 19, 2010

Doctor visit

Jack and Ella both had their check ups today. It was a super fun trip for me. I can not think of one thing that makes me happier than spending an hour and a half with four kids in a room the size of a coat closet. :)

Since it was Jack's 4 year check up he was in for some shots. Shots are a non issue in our house. I don't hide the fact that they hurt but I also explain that it has to be done and shots equal ice cream. I allow them to play a game on my phone or we talk about what flavor ice cream we are getting when we are done. I will say I have never had one freak out or go into an all out break down over the shots. Fingers crossed. After finding out Jack had to have three shots and Ella had to have one. They began to discuss the shots were going to be painful. I was afraid they would get each other worked up but instead they ended up arguing over who was going to cry. Ella said she could take it and wasn't going to cry which begged for jack's response. He told her he wasn't going to cry because he was four. The bet was on. Ella did great and not a tear. Jack took the first two great, the third was the largest and the most painful. After the needle came out he put his face in my arm and.....composed himself. I know he wanted to cry but not a tear. I guess they both won the "no cry" bet. Jack weighed in at 36 pounds and was 41 inches tall. About 60% for weight and 70% for height. Hearing and vision were both great. She showed a slight concern for what maybe a small hernia around his belly button. It will be reevaluated in a year. Not a health risk so no biggie. He is set for another year!

Waiting for shots

Ella weighed in at 42 pounds and was 45 inches tall. That is 50% for height and weight. Funny how she is an average size six year old and she barely wears a size 5. I guess it is all the gymnastics muscle. She was great but had problems on the hearing test and the vision screening. Turns out it was the hearing machine and not her hearing. However, the vision screening was right. It seems to indicate she could have a vision problem. Maybe an astigmatism. That is something we will have to follow up with. Will keep you posted on her peepers. :)

Align Right
John liked the gowns too.

1 comment:

Wes Fraser said...

Awesome! Tough kids. No tears. I like it.