I would have written this blog over the weekend but i just could quite bring myself to relive the experience we had on Saturday. Ella started a cheerleading camp. Yes, Ella started cheerleading. Anyone who knows me knows that this was a hard things for me to do. I mean really how annoying can cheerleaders be? No offense to you cheerleaders. :) We arrive early to sign her up. She was excited enough for all of us. She got her name tag and i pulled back her hair as we waited for the class to begin. They were called to the circle to stretch. Stretching she can do. Thanks to the four hours of gymnastics a week. The teachers were just what you would expect, cheerful and loud. Trying to get Ella to be loud is a bit difficult. They learned arm movements and the names of those poses. Then they worked on two jumps. They covered a lot of ground in the basics in the 45 minutes we were there. Parents are only allowed in to watch on the first session. They are asked to wait outside or run errands from this point on. Well, except for parent helpers. Just my luck, Ella wanted me to help. I am so lucky. Why couldn't she play softball and ask me to help???? Maybe later. I turned in my parent helper sheet so I hope they will let me do registration or something unrelated to the actual cheering. All i heard Saturday afternoon and Sunday was "CHEER POSE, HIGH V, LOW V, T, BROKEN T, DAGGERS, CANDLESTICK, RIGHT DIAGONAL, LEFT DIAGONAL, TOUCHDOWN, LOW TOUCHDOWN, TUCK JUMP, SPREAD EAGLE JUMP" (the all caps would suggest the yelling of the names). Lucky me. She also required assistance from Eric and I. I will have to say i enjoyed Eric helping. It takes a great Dad to practice cheerleading moves with his daughter. As much as i dislike all the pom poms i am so excited for her. All she has talked about is cheerleading and watching her in class, it seems to suit her. :)
CHEER POSE! Hands on your hips and a smile on your lips.
What if she did take softball? You gonna teach her to "chop wood"?!!Ella, You make a good looking cheerleader ( Except for the belly sticking out.)HEE HEE .....
WOW, I am soooo proud of you. You will be the best, prettiest, and smartest cheerleader there! Holler LOUD!
Can't wait to see some of your moves. You are such a busy girl..glad you are enjoying all your activities..
I love you!
Aunt Dale
Gramps, Funny how i always remember you telling me how to play but i have no memories of seeing you run any bases....Must be easier from the bleachers. HAHAH!
You know I just died laughing when I saw that picture!!! I thought you must have lost your mind! But oh the things we do to make our kids happy! My luck my Ella will be a goth chick or something dark and nonpeppy like me!!
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