Monday, July 6, 2009

John's Evaluation

John's had his evaluation by the clinical therapist today. She came at his nap time so i was worried about how cooperative he would be. I put Ella and Jack upstairs and Ben was hanging out so there weren't any distractions. I sat in the other room. She sat and played blocks, showed him pictures, asked him questions and had him perform tasks. He would complete each step and she would pencil on her paper. It wasn't until the end she started asking me questions. She asked how he tells me he is hungry and if he can tell me what he wants to eat. I never give them a chance. Oops. We eat at the same time almost everyday and they only get two choices for lunch and they don't have a choice when it comes to dinner. I did explain how he goes about getting things he wants. After many more pencil marks she told me where he fell on the scale. Gross motor, 24 months, Fine motor, 27 months, self-help, 27 months, receptive language, 30 months, expressive language, 22 months (i think there was one more but it was like 27 or 28 months too.). So our only area of delay is expressive language, speech. On two different scales it came out to be an 8% and 12% delay. Neither were significant enough to qualify for any of their services. In the wrap-up she said she feels like her only concern is his articulation. Even with that she said that therapist might not see him until he was two and a half because at his age they are still learning sounds and how to articulate words. I asked if it is a problem that might correct itself and she said it quite possible could. She was going to talk to the speech therapist for advice regarding John's case and get back to me on what they recommend as a course of action. Right now she says that the best thing to do is to repeat words he says correctly so he can hear it the right way. Other than that we will wait for word from the speech therapist and go from there. So glad we got good news. Another blessing.


Anonymous said...

my big boy! glad to get the results and they are good! I was really worried about him..he's such a sweetie!
Love you all
Aunt D

Mari Wilkes Photography said...

So happy for you guys! That is a blessing - Auston is in speech twice a week, physical therapy once a week, and he will eventually have occupational twice a week. In other words, he will spend his entire week in therapy!! Count your lucky stars because that's not easy on us or on him. Love you guys!! :)