That is the question. We have gone back and forth so many times. Okay, well i have. Eric has been pretty set on the idea of homeschooling and i am so wishy-washy. This blog is as much for me as it is to let you guys know what is going on.
At this point we have gotten a registration packet and have all the paper work filled out. We will take it back to the school and sign Ella up for an assessment in August. There she will be evaluated and it will also serve as an information session for us. We are currently leaning towards public school. She would begin on August 25th.
Why public school? Well, it would be a good opportunity for Ella to really thrive in a social environment. She loves to make friends and see new people so it would be a great fit for her. She is dying to go to "big school". The pediatrician seems to think that a change in schools in October wouldn't be difficult for her. We don't think she would have a difficult time with it either. She is really good at transitioning into new places. For some reason she is super concerned about someone at school ripping her hearts off her new flip flops. She already says that she would have to tell her teacher. Not sure what that is about. Anyway, the elementary here is great. About 5 minutes from the house. It would also be good for the boys. More attention for them and no sister to boss them around (or dress them up as princesses). Jack and John could really bond more and i think it would allow the boys to move into different roles in the house.
Why not public school? Ella, is very intelligent. What if the curriculum is not challenging her? Will she be board? Will she dislike school because it isn't fun? Will they dumb her down to keep her on track with the class instead of allowing her to really thrive? What about the move, what if we don't end up in a good school system? It would also make it impossible to travel. These are all fears that i can only speculate about. My biggest fear is not knowing what to do without her.
Why homeschool? I can give her work according to her abilities. She can go as fast or as slow as she would like. I can tailor the curriculum to her. It is super flexible. It would allow us to travel freely from job to job without worrying about her missing school work.
Why not homeschool? It is so difficult because each state has different laws. What state do we want to register in? In Alabama we have to have a "cover school", but how to choose one. Some test, some don't. You have to pay and then buy your own curriculum set. What if we pay and they don't register her with the state? What if i don't do a good enough job and she gets behind? strictly an insecurity on my part but her education is a pretty big deal. What about the boys? I have to tend to them too.
I always thought this would be a no brainer. Your kid is 5 and they go to kindergarten. No big deal. I wish it were that easy. Feel free to leave your thoughts and any pros and cons i might have missed.
from jamie- Whitney I will tell you like you told me......your the mother and you know whats best!!
on a funny note- just as long as she goes! LOL
Yeah for big school! I selfishly want her to be in a setting where she dominates other people with her intelligence and personality. Cheers to having a cool kid. Tell her to keep away from the glue eaters- You see how I turned out...
The last post is from me
I moved around alot when I was younger. It didn't seems to hurt my education. Since Ella is such a smart child she should have no problem catching up at the new school. Or have you thought about waiting until you get to the new place and then enrolling her and homeschooling until that point.
"OUR" Ella is a WHIZ child much due to her mommy! You have done an excellent job with her, I think. I would love to see her in public school for making friends and different challenges with ALL kids her age. I, not having any children am no athority but I do think its important to learn what everyday life is all about and in different inviroments. She will do well whatever ya'll decide but i do like the idea of you having more time with the boys too. And I knew that post was from Wes. hahaha.
Love you all
Aunt D
As I always say-and as you also know yourself--pray, pray and pray some more! God will direct you! I think she would love big school-she does do well making friends! She has got it together!
As for your competence, I think we can look at Ella and grade you on that!! You are more than competent to teach her! I'm so proud of our smart daughter-in-law!
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