Thursday, April 30, 2009

Reinforcements have arrived

Sunday, Wes rode in on his white horse to offer me a break. Okay, so is wasn't a white horse but it was in his new white Pathfinder. Yeah! He came bearing gifts from his travels abroad. Hats with horns, a sparkly shirt, a painting, and cool T-shirts were the loot. The kids were so excited. He was only going to be here for a few days but i will take it. Since his arrival we have been going non-stop it feels like. I think we go non-stop everyday. He has been a huge help getting the kids in and out. An extra set of hands sure does come in handy. Maybe i will start praying for a set. I asked Wes if he saw anyway that i could streamline my life and his suggestion was boarding school and boot camps. HA! Anyway, we have been hitting the gym every morning. It is really nice to get out and exercise, the kids love it, and it gives me a break but Wes is a runner. I don't ever want to slow him down so i have really pushed myself to keep up with him but now i think i can hardly walk. Ahhh, the pain. He also came to see Jack play soccer and it just happened that Ella started her gymnastics so he got to see both kids in action. After the gym yesterday the kids played in the "awesome" pirate ship pool that Uncle Wes bought. (Thanks again Wes) Then we went to check out the Fun Station 2000. We arrived about 5:30 to an empty parking lot yet the sign said open. Was this good or bad? We laughed and Wes just told the kids he rented out the whole place just for them. They believed him. We ate and played. They had a few carnival rides that we took the kids on and Wes and i couldn't stop laughing. I think they were a little fast for John but they were short so he got off with a smile. We collected 1,045 tickets and traded them for prizes as we headed out the door. Most of those were from Wes's Deal or No Deal skills. It was a fun night. Wes left after lunch today. I considered throwing a few of the kids in with his luggage. :) I hated to see him leave but i did enjoy the visit. Here are a few more pictures.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Miracle Workers v. Cardinals

Upon first inspection the Cardinals looked like formidable opponents. This was the first team we have played that had more than four player show up and stay on the field. Their coach had a whistle and stop watch in order to insure proper play. He set up his players. Two at goalie and the rest on the line. This was serious. Was this going to be the end of our Green Machines domination? They're off. GO, GO, GO, SCORE! No stopping the green machine today. After the first few minutes the Cardinals began to fall apart. One little kids stuck with it but turns out it was because his dad was the coach. I am pretty sure i heard him saying "Lord, make me a bird so i can fly far far away from here". HA! Stole that line from Jenny in Forrest Gump. Anyway, we stopped counting after the score reached 12 to 1. Jack was happy to have Uncle Wes there to watch him. Still just running with the pack. He is happy letting the others score. By others i mean the tank, I'm sorry Mom, Kensley. I have high hopes that we will go undefeated. Three down, three to go.

Back to basics

Ella started her gymnastics class yesterday. I think we were all a little surprised at the requirements for the class. In Raleigh, the teacher was so sweet and they went through different exercises but it was more for fun. Here, however, was more along the lines of say.......boot camp. The teacher was very nice but she had Ella working on her splits, chin ups, flips, climbing up on the balance beam unassisted, holding her weight on the bars and pushing off (she even gave them the correct name but i wasn't listening). I was a little surprised that they were so focused on technique in the 5 year old class. Ella didn't seem to mind. She made a friend and said she loved the class. She will go every Tuesday at 3:30. Another class to add to my schedule. :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Miracle Workers v. Shockers

Today was a glorious day for futbol, or soccer, whichever you prefer. I am really starting to think that there are a couple of child prodigies on our team. To bad it isn't Jack.I think Jack is a little to passive to play soccer. He isn't aggressive when it comes to getting the ball. He says it isn't nice to take things away from other people. Great! He is finally listening to what i say! During his warm up it became evident that he was more interested in looking cool and hitting on a teammate. Just happened to be the little girl that likes to eats grass. I guess he likes vegetarians. Anyway, the game wasn't quite as organized as the last but it was still good. Jack is getting better but hasn't mastered the art of the running kick. He has to stand and kick and then run. He did kick off and kick the ball in. One other time he found himself with the ball at his feet but spent too much time trying to line it up that one of the girls took it. No biggie Jack still gave us the thumbs up. The Shockers look like they are in the same predicament we are in. They had one stand out player who gave Kensley (Mom requested i not refer to her as "the tank") a run for her money. However, one reclined in a chair snacking on chips for the entire game while another chose to roll around in the middle of the field and i do mean that literally and another decided he didn't like the competition so he got his own ball and had his "me v. myself" game while the actual game was going on. After seeing that, I am convinced we have a great team now. Looks like a family soccer game for practice this weekend. We still came out on top. I don't think anyone is keeping up with it but me. Okay, so i am slightly competitive. :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Visit and comments

We are changing our visit. Jack has two soccer games the last week in April and that was our original scheduled visit. He only has six total so we would hate for him to miss those two so we shifted things around. Eric has other classes to take so this is the latest travel itinerary. Eric will be in Birmingham May 12 and 13. We will travel with him back to Alabama June 3rd through the 7th. That is as far in advance as i can plan. It will be a short visit but we hope we can see everyone.

I would like to say thank you to everyone who takes time to follow my blog. I also appreciate those of you who take extra time to leave me a comment. However, i would just like to ask you if you post as "anonymous" make sure you leave me your name in your comment so i know who you are. :) I want to be able to respond to your questions.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Miracle Workers v. Master Minds

Today we had our very first game. I have to say the day could have gone a little better but we were there 10 minutes early. That is always good. Eric also arrived before the game started. Jack was in a bit of a fog from his late nap but was smiling. We (Eric and I) don't care much for soccer but are trying to be open to the sport. The likelihood of at least one of the four loving this sport is pretty high. We watched very closely to see how they lined up and how long the quarters were, etc. for at home practice. The time arrives. Everyone is in position. The game is beginning. A little kid kicks the ball. Their off! A group of kids all running together after this one ball. Where's Jack? Still standing in the middle of the field. He is just watching. RUN JACK!! GET THE BALL!! RUN!!!! He turns around. Will he run? Is he looking for the ball? Nope, he gives his Daddy a thumbs up and continues to stand there...watching. We had a bit of a talk and he soon caught on. He ran towards the ball but was content running behind the pack. He says he had a blast so i am very happy. The other team only had four players (really three if you take out the kid who wouldn't stay on the field) to our five and maybe would have had a better chance if "the tank" sat out. We won by a long shot. Not that it matters, but just so you know. Superstar? After today's game .....magic 8 ball says *shake* *shake**shake*........ not likely.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Today's funnies

Today has been a lazy day. Eric went to work and John has had a fever since yesterday so we hung out here. We aren't sure if the fever is something John picked up at the Y or if it has something to do with that big tooth coming in. Anyway, he has been super clingy and lazy and when I don't have him I have Ben. However, there were a couple of funny conversations today. Here they are.

I was giving Ben a bath and Ella came in to ask me if I could read her a bedtime story. I said sure and she sat and I read while I finished with Ben. As I finished the book I told her to head up to her bed. The rest sounded like this:

Ella: I need to kiss Ben goodnight. (in her best baby voice) night night my precious baby Ben. Your my love.
Me: Your love?
Ella: yeah, and Sam is my love dog and Ben is my love boy.
Me: what about Jack, John, Sally, Mommy and Daddy? What are we?
Ella: (smiles really big. I can tell she is thinking. )
Me: how about Jack can be your love big man, John can be your love little man, Ben can be your love baby, Sam can be your love boy dog, Sally can be your love girl dog, I can be your love mommy and daddy can be your love daddy.
Ella: (giggling) yeah
Me: wow, our house has a lot of loves in it.
Ella: and pee!

Hahahahahah. I bet you didn't see that coming. Neither did I. I guess that is better than something else. Here is to love and pee. :)

Eric read a bedtime story to Jack and John and got them tucked in. As Eric was leaving this is what he heard:
Jack: daddy don't leave. I get scared.
Eric: Jack there is nothing to be scared of.
Jack: but I just want to sleep in your bed.
Eric: Jack you don't need to sleep in my bed.
Jack: but I do. What if the monsters come in and try to get me.
Eric: monsters?
Jack: yeah the ones with mean eyes and skinny boobies.

Yeah, he isn't scared of a monster's teeth but of skinny boobies? I wonder if he is talking about me? :) HA!

-- Post From My iPhone

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bend it like Brackin

Today Jack had is very first soccer practice. He is quite possibly the cutest soccer player i have ever seen. Skills...uhm...maybe not the best i have ever seen. We missed registration and so we are late getting into the season. He only missed two practices so i am hoping he will get the hang of it and catch up with his team mates. He is on the "miracle workers" team. At first i thought it would be a miracle if they won but i have high hopes. I have lovingly named one of the girls "the tank". As long as she is goalie we are sure to win. I found myself yelling already. "Don't touch the ball, use your feet, no hands, listen to your coach Jack," and channeling my parents "hustle". I even called him over to the sideline for a "pep" talk. Then observing Eric's intense stares, i realize we are "those" parents. Do or die. All the way. Quite possible ban from sporting events at some point. HA! Lets hope not. I think we were really excited to see Jack on his first sports team that he could enjoy. This was something just for him. By the end of the practice he had picked up a lot. I still don't think he quite gets why the goalie stops his ball from going in and kicks it back to him. The coach said he did really well just coming in. I think she was happy he stayed on the field and paid attention the whole time. One little girl spent most of her time rolling around on the ground in the goal and eating grass. Ella and John did plenty of running around the field. It was a beautiful day to be out. Jack has 6 games. Pictures Monday, game Tuesday and Thursday of next week. We are thrilled. Superstar? Maybe.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The first day...

of the rest of my life. It was awful! Ha. I woke up later than i wanted but the kids and i still made it to the gym this morning. I have been dreading this. I do not like to exercise. I do not find it enjoyable at all. I do, however, like the break from the kids. It does us all good. The time has come for me to get back in shape. Ben is 7 weeks now and since there will be no more babies for me i need my body back. HA! I just need any body that is slimmer than this one. :)We are located 2 and a half miles from a YMCA and that is always a good place to go. So that left me no excuses. We joined yesterday and i started my workout this morning. Being pregnant for six years will really do a number on you. I expect this process will take at least a good 6 months or more and i will spend the rest of my life trying to maintain. I almost want to have another baby to delay this process. Okay, i take that back. I did make it through and i hope we can continue to make this part of our daily routine. Eric insists that it feels good to get up and moving in the morning but i still disagree. I like to sleep in. Anyway, i have high hopes for the YMCA.

Today's funnies:

At dinner, the kids usually say the blessing. Ella has to say hers and then Jack has his turn. By the time the kids are finished our food has been blessed to Heaven and back. This was the blessing tonight: (Ella's) God is great, God is good, let us thank him for our food and all the many other blessings, and i love you Jesus and I love my family, Amen. (Jack's)God is great, God is good, let us thank him for our food and all the many other blessings, and i love you Jesus very much and I like my family, Amen. Well it is nice to know that Jack likes us. :)

At the gym, Jack had to go to the potty. All five of us head into the women locker room. Jack finishes and we are on our way out. While i am rounding John up, Jack notices that there is a Lady doing her hair. He announces loudly " look, that lady is very pretty isn't she mom?" "yes, Jack" i reply. So thankful he said something kind! Whew.

At bedtime, Jack was taking his last "tee tee" before he headed to bed and while he was getting "everything" out and ready he looked at Eric and i and said "(gasp) Mom, i have no more private balls. All my private balls are gone." To which i replied " well, lets hope they come back" he smiled and said "yeah lets" so lets all hope that Jack finds his private balls.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

It has been a busy day around here. We were up bright and early to get ready for the 9:30 church service. The kids found their baskets and were thrilled. I think they ate candy for breakfast. I would ask Eric but i really don't want to know. Everyone looked very nice in their Easter outfits as we headed to the church. Never seems to matter how early we are up we always get there just as service starts and after putting the kids in their classes it makes Eric and me late. I should work on that. Anyway, the service was nice but i don't think that church is right for us so we will continue our search. We ate out for lunch. The kids love restaurants. We try not to eat out to much so that was a treat. After getting home and trying to take some pictures the kids broke out the bubbles. It is a beautiful day. Nap time consisted of watching "Bedtime Stories". I will make up for it by putting them in bed early. After the movie we dyed our eggs and colored on our chalk ones. Yes, we have 28 green and black "chalk board" eggs. I thought i would be fun. Okay, so i thought they were strange and cheesy but hey if that is all they had that is what we will use. I shouldn't shop the day before. They still made for good hunting. Eric and i hid all the eggs around the house and then let the kids loose. They are still not great hunters but are very competitive none the less. After an eventful trip around the house searching in every bush and corner, we counted all the eggs. .Ella collected the most but with each egg Jack found he assured her he would "be the winner". I pretty confident there are still two in our yard somewhere. It was a great day and now that the kids are all hyped up on sugar i am going to attempt to get them in the bath and to bed. They need the rest after this wonderful day. We are very blessed. Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

GNO (the guys version)

Guys night out this time. Eric, Jack and John set aside a time to go hang out. Today the time had come and they headed out to see Monsters vs. Aliens in 3D! By the time they made it through the ticket line and the food line the movie was starting. Armed with their skittles, M&Ms, Sour Jacks, popcorn and blue icees (in the Madagascar cups) they took their seats. Eric was the only one who braved the movie with the 3D glasses on. He made it half way before starting to feel sick.The movie ended and the happy campers met up with the rest of us at the Target in Mooresville. We shopped and then "hopped" into Old Navy for some Easter shopping. Thanks Shellie for the Easter duds. :) Now that i have gotten their baskets packed with things like bubbles, bubble bath, bath paint, a little candy and a movie i am wondering, when did Easter become a gift giving holiday? Big day tomorrow. Better get some rest.

Friday, April 10, 2009

I am failing...

to keep my blog pictures updated. It has been brought to my attention that i have not posted a picture of Ben in two weeks. I apologize. He is changing quite a bit. I am starting to get a little scared because i think he is going to be a big boy. He loves to eat and loves his momma. The boys are going to eat my paycheck in food every month. Eric was here most of Friday due to the rain so he has been spending some time with us. I am enjoying having my hands free while he loves on Ben. We are staying busy around here. Between feeding, changing diapers, cleaning house, laundry, fixing breakfast, lunch and dinner, baths, letting the dogs in and out, Ella's school, cleaning up some catastrophe caused by "the animal" (John) and just generally trying to stay sane we are making it. Eric and I do try to squeeze in some time to talk. :) It is exciting to say the least. We are planning to come to Alabama April 25th through May 2nd -ish. Nothing is set in stone yet but Eric has to be in Birmingham that week so we are along for the ride. That is all that is happening here.

Ella's Funny: Jack is scared of thunder and in an attempt to get him to shed the fear we told him that thunder is just Jesus clapping and lighting is just Jesus' flashlight. Well, as we were eating dinner a thunderstorm was moving in and after a loud thunder Ella, slightly tongue tied, announced that "Jack you don't have to be scared that was just Jesus crapping". I know she meant CLAPPING but i still almost feel out of my chair.

Here are some updated picture for your viewing pleasure.


Tonight was girls night out. Ella and i took some time away from the boys to go see the Hannah Montana movie. It was a blast. We were running a little behind because i had to feed Ben but after a slight detour because i missed the exit, we arrived. She was very excited to see the theater. She knew what movie we were there to see. Got our tickets and then got in line to get our drinks ( that had to be in the Madagascar cups with attached bobble heads of our choosing. I chose Gloria the hippo, seemed fitting.) and candy and headed to our seats just as the previews were wrapping up. Got settled in and enjoyed the show. It was a really cute movie. Ella laughed and laughed. It was totally worth getting out in the rain for. Another batch of heavy rain moved in just as we were heading out to the car so after a brief sprint we were headed home. Ella hopped straight in bed for a good night sleep but not before telling me how cool i was. :) I am glad she thinks so for now.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Nascar Star

Today was Eric's first encounter with a NASCAR star. I am sure he will run into more than me since he is out and about everyday. Anyway, Eric and the guys go to the same restaurant most of the time so today was no different. They go in and sit. Next thing you know in the door comes Ryan "Rocket Man" Newman (driver of the number 39 U.S. Army car for Stewart Haas Racing) . Yes, this does not hold a candle to a sighting of Dale Jr. but you gotta start somewhere. Eric said it looked like he came in with his family and judging by the pictures on the wall he goes there often. No autograph and no picture. That would have been rude to interrupt his family time. However, if i had been there i would have sent Ella, Jack and John over. :) I knew the kids would come in handy. I am a little jealous that Eric saw him and i missed it. He is pretty stoked about it.

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Easter Bunny

We had to go to Costco in Charlotte yesterday and when we walked in the door there he was...The Easter Bunny. Sad to say the kids don't know much about the bunny. I believe this is the first picture they have ever taken with him. I thought they may be a little scared of a man dressed as a bunny but they had no reservations about going up and saying hello. Eric assisted John at first but after a friendly high five John knew it was all good. Little did i know that they were taking pictures to raise money for the children's miracle network. I thought i was really lucky i had my camera in my purse and was snapping away. Ooops. I did pay for a picture and donated on top of that to compensate for the pictures i took. We hung out by the bunny for a bit and watched other kids pass (he was sitting next to the TVs and jewelry so i didn't mind). I didn't think that many children would shy away from such a large bunny. However, this one toddler started screaming from the time they entered the store. The closer they got to the bunny the louder he screamed. As they passed the bunny waved at the child and that sent him into a fit. At that point i thought my eardrums were going to burst. I think the bunny did it for kicks. I would have. :)

Our funeral

It was a sad day Saturday. Our TV passed away Thursday and after many attempts to revive it we finally let go. Saturday, Eric carried it out of our house for the last time. It has been a really good TV and will be missed greatly. Oh well, off to find a new TV. Recovery time from a TV funeral..... not long. We shopped around after the funeral and picked up our new baby. I should have known when we had trouble fitting it in the suburban that it was a little larger than we really needed. After we got it home and in the living room I definitely knew it was too big. But there is no going back now. We are now looking for a console to put it on. Welcome home 58" plasma, welcome home.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Private Ball

Sorry there is no visual but I am having to blog from my phone because our Internet is out. To premise this story i must explain our bath time. Ever since the kids were little we have always refered to their "area" as their privates. Since we have opened that door we get all kinds of questions during their bath but, for me, this was a first. Tonight Eric was hanging cabinets in the garage so while I helped with the last one I sent the kids up to start their bath. When I come in I follow the trail of clothes that have been peeled off on the way to the bath. By the time I reach the top of the stairs I hear all the splashing and delight of three kids in the bath. I walk in and get Ben set up so I can bathe the others and as I turn around this is what I hear; Ella said "Mommy Jack only has one private ball left" and I said "what?" That was my first mistake. I was really hoping she would take that as a retorical question but no such luck. Jack chimes in "I only have one private ball left." Ella said "he used one when he tee teed". Jack then follows with "yeah I had two private balls but but but I used one, yeah I used it. " as I stand there looking at my kids I make my second mistake. I ask "who told you about private balls"? Ella and Jack both say "DADDY". As I stand there confused and trying to avoid explaining how you can't use up a ball when you pee Eric walks in the door. I ask if he knows about private balls. He says no but I can tell that he knows. He smiles and asks why and by the time I recap and get to the part where the kids pin him as the culprit he is laughing. I ask him if wants to share with me what he said. His response " no, not really. " The kids were back to splashing. I am grateful that their attention spans are short. I guess I will never know the story behind the private balls. It was a nice laugh.