Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Jack

My big man turned three yesterday! We really enjoy spending time with the kids on their birthdays. We like celebrating as a family. That could be why i only have one birthday party for all the kids. :) Plus, i am not a birthday party fan. Anyway, his birthday fell on a Tuesday and we knew Eric would be at work so we celebrated on Saturday. We took him out to Chuck E Cheese for lunch and then out to Dairy Queen for dinner and an ice cream cake. I am not sure if Jack or Eric was more excited about the cake. It was a fun day. He also got to get some Lightning McQueen rain boots. Somehow Eric thought they fit. Turns out they are a few sizes too big so we will certainly get our use out of them. We didn't do much yesterday. We rested from our travels. Jack made cupcakes and Uncle Wes brought in a few toys. Now i am having to keep up with little foam disc and repeatedly blow up balloon thingies. Thanks Wes. Eric and i got him new Lightning PJs, house shoes and underwear. Ella and John gave him Tic Tacs. I love when they are so little and easy to please. He wasn't feeling well last night so he had and early bath and was off to bed. I think he was exhausted. It was a beautiful day here so the kids had lots of time outside. I will keep you all updated on our move and plans. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha. The behind underwear shot is hilarious. But why does Jack always look half japanese in his smiling shots? Ha.