Friday, December 26, 2008

Movie time

Christmas tradition. We all have them and they are all different. Eric has to leave out green sugar cookies for Santa and have pigs in a blanket for breakfast Christmas morning. I didn't have any of that. We always just went to the movies Christmas night. That is a little hard to incorporate into our family right now because they are all very young. So now we are trying to get our own family traditions going. We are giving the kids an ornament each year to open and hang on Christmas eve before they go to bed and along with the pigs in a blanket we have sticky buns/monkey bread for breakfast. At some point i would really like to take the kids to the movies as a family. Last night was the night! My Dad, Mom , and Wes were here and so the adults once again outnumbered the kids so it seemed like the right time to go. Ella and Jack have been before but i was concerned about John. He was so tired and sometimes that can lead to increased anciness. We get in and get seated for our first family movie, Bedtime Stories. I never heard any of the kids. Well..unless it was asking for another twizzler, more popcorn or drink. Dad and Wes had John and they had a system worked out. John was laid back on Wes and when John wanted another piece of candy he would throw his hand over and tap Dad on the arm and Dad would place the candy in his hand. Apparently there were times when Dad wasn't so attentive and quick to respond to John's request and John would have to throw his foot over on Dad's leg and give him a tap. :) There is no telling how much candy the kids had! The movie was good and it was a wonderful time and a nice reminder of one of the things I used to do with my family on Christmas.

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