Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

This blog could be about so many different things. I know this holiday means a lot of things to a lot of different people. It means nothing but good food and Christmas shopping to some. I would just like to take a minute and really reflect on all the Lord has blessed me with. I want to be thankful for all i have and sometimes writing is a good way to do that. This will be a "short" list. Some are material things and some are not. They are all things the Lord has blessed me with. This list could go on and on but i will try and keep it concise. Here goes.
I am thankful :
for waking up each morning in a nice warm bed
that i live in a free country
that people are willing to sacrifice for my freedom
for waking up next to my husband
that i am able to hear my children laugh
that i can see my children grow daily
that my children behave
that my children use their manners
for having two dogs that sometimes drive me crazy
that my butt will not always be this large (hopefully)
for having more than enough food in the fridge and pantry
for clothes to wear in every season and often new clothes
for shoes to keep my feet warm
for my cell phone (yes, i love it)
that i have a husband who works so hard to provide for our family
that the Lord is blessing me with another beautiful baby
that i was special enough for Christ to die for
a husband who loves me unconditionally, even though i drive him crazy
a husband who is honest and faithful
for always being able to find a church to nurture me as we move
for always having a roof over my head
for having the best mother, she is the reason i am such a good mother
for being able to call my mom for advice when i have no clue what to do (this includes sick kids!)
for having a father who would give me the world if he could but knowing it is probably best he couldn't
for having a brother that is my best friend (i think that is hard to find)
for being raised in a christian home
i have a family full of love and support and some dysfunction
that all this baby weight will come off
that my hormones will go back to normal and i will no longer feel like i am on a roller coaster
for my TV
for the Internet
for the nice car i have to drive
for children who mind
that John is giving up his baby status
that Ella is so smart and loving
that Jack is such a sweetheart and so funny
that Eric, the kids and i are all healthy
that i have Kim to keep me organized
that I have a best friend like her that cares so much for me and my family
that my children have a safe and happy home
that i have some of the best neighbors i could ever ask for
that i get to enjoy a girls night on Thursdays
that my husband is smokin' hot (heeheee)
that this is my last baby (hopefully)
that Eric's vasectomy worked (don't know yet but i am claiming it)
that this job is almost over
i have my Mawmaw to set such a good example of a christian woman
i have my Papa and Grandma to fight with :)
i have my Grandma who understands what it is like with a house full of kids
that i got to see my Grandaddy and Mawmaw grow old together
that my Grandma and Papa are still growing old together
i will get to see my Mom and Dad do the same
that i can be a stay at home mom
that one day i will be able to get a job
that Alabama WILL beat Auburn this year
that two out of my three kids say Roll Tide and Jack on the occasion
And most of all i am thankful that every morning i wake up that this is the life God has blessed me with. Full of abundance. As we sit down to eat tomorrow i will be with Eric and the kids. I will sit down at the table and look around, smell all the good food i have slaved to prepare and i will be most of all THANKFUL.


Anonymous said...

Whew... Well, I guess I am thankful that with all the kids you have you still can find the time to write a novel... Ha. Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Well hey, what are we? Chopped liver?? Aren't you thankful for this pesty Aunt? (ha) You do have an awful lot to be thankful for and I'm thankful for you to be thankful with all you have in your life.
I love you lots,
aunt D

Whitney said...

i thought i covered you under the "i have a family full of love and support and some dysfunction". HA. Love, Whitney

Anonymous said...

Oh, was that me?? ha! You are so right though..much love and support and definitely dysfunctional... I'm just glad to be in the count!

Love you all
Aunt D