Monday, November 3, 2008

Ella's words of wisdom

A conversation Ella and i had this morning as she was getting ready to go to the dentist. Picture: Ella is standing with her hand on her heart because she has a boo boo on her elbow and won't bend her arm.

Ella: Mommy God is washing my heart.

Me: What?

Ella: God is washing my heart.

Me: Why do you say that.

Ella: Because...because, when your heart, God is, when your heart goes bumpty bumpty bumpty that means God is giving your heart a bath.

Me: Why would God be giving your heart a bath?

Ella: Because it is dirty and that is where he lives.

Me: Why is your heart dirty?

Ella: Because that is where all the food you eat goes through so he washes it.

Me: HA. No, your food doesn't go through your heart but sin goes in your heart. Like when we aren't nice or don't tell the truth. That makes our heart dirty.

Ella: Yeah, God doesn't like a dirty heart. He is always washing mine so it is clean. See feel.

So glad that God is willing to spend his days washing my heart. :) Ella is wise beyond her years.


Anonymous said...

Yes she is

Anonymous said...

Ella just breaks it all down; even adults can understand! Kim

The Reeds said...

Sweet!! Please tell me that little boys say things like this too:)

Anonymous said...

That is the most precious thing I've ever heard, Ella!! We ALL need God to give our heart a bath, don't we??
love, nana