Sunday, November 2, 2008

Baby names

Who knew that naming a baby could be so difficult?? You always want to give your children a name that people can't make fun of or that is not hard to spell or pronounce. Well, at least Eric and i do. With a girl it is fairly easy, see Eric and i have our favorites and it usually is the same name. With a boy it is the complete opposite. So i am glad that when we were pregnant with Ella we worked out a system to name the kids. Eric has a list and I have a list. We each get one name. How simple. How fair. I mean really, i think i should be able to name them whatever i want since i am the one that carries them, has them, feeds them and then for 90% of the time cares for them. But, Eric did contribute to the creation part and the monetary support so i can stay home and raise them so this is the fairest system to have. We will never agree on a total boy name. I will be okay with his choice or not like it at all but it is still his choice and he will feel the same about my choice. Whatever we come up with will fit the baby and will be wonderful, i know. Still i am concerned because we have used all the boy names we were passionate about. Now we just have names we like. We did already take care of the girl name just in case the ultrasound was wrong (thanks mom). Eric says he is not worried but here we sit with a long list of names. I just want to get it narrowed down to a few options and then we will name it when we see it, like we did John. So, i am throwing up the names we have so far for a vote. Pick your top three. There are names on this list that Eric is totally against and a few i won't even consider. Feel free to put together two names you like if i haven't and leave a comment for us. Eric says we have plenty of time but that means he wants to discuss names while we are holding the baby. :) Here are our lists:

Eric likes: James, Jed, Jeb, Eli, Evan,

I am partial to: Fraser, Joe, Campbell, Benjamin and maybe Alexander and Judson.

Check the side of the page to vote! :)


Anonymous said...

I think there are several good names on this list. With the amount of kids you guys have I'm surprised "hey you brackin" wasn't on the list.

In no particular order.
Benjamin James Brackin
James Campbell Brackin call him "camp"
Fraser Eli Brackin

I like those and I guess that's three, so my part is done. Except I would ask that Jed/Jeb be retired from consideration. It makes me think about Deliverance.


Anonymous said...

i am going to have to go with wes on this one.
i really like Benjamin and Campbell. Jeb/Jed, not so much.
Fraser and Eli are nice too!
Love you bunches,

Anonymous said...

I am firm on Fraser; I cannot be swayed. My votes are as follows:

Benjamin Fraser
Evan Fraser
Fraser Evan

I agree with Wes' request to retire Jed/Jeb. YIKES!! I get the Deliverance reference...


Anonymous said...

My first thought when I read the list was Benjamin James, which I see now is also in Wes's list - that's gotta tell you something :)

Take Care