Monday, December 29, 2008
Hospital Tour
Christmas in Raleigh
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Full Moon
Sheet Snob
Sheet snob: (noun) a person who turns their nose up at uncomfortable or cheap sheets. That is a loose definition, of course. Ella is apparently a sheet snob. I can't say i blame her. Eric and i are turning into sheet snobs ourselves. Until the other night i never knew we fell into that category. I also didn't expect a lady to call Ella a sheet snob at the age of four. :) For the last few months Ella has consistently asked to come and get in our bed because "our sheets were comfortable and hers were bad. They keep her cold." Eric and i decided she needed new bedding anyway so she picked out a set and put it on her Christmas list. Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa all the kids got new Pottery Barn sheets! Ella was speechless. I have never seen a girl so happy to open sheets on Christmas! We got them put on and she is now sleeping in between her sheets instead of on top of them. They were so comfortable she had to get up in the middle of the night and tell her Uncle Wes just how comfortable her sheets were. I am not sure he appreciated having to wake up to hear it. I love my little sheet snob. :)
Friday, December 26, 2008
Movie time
Christmas tradition. We all have them and they are all different. Eric has to leave out green sugar cookies for Santa and have pigs in a blanket for breakfast Christmas morning. I didn't have any of that. We always just went to the movies Christmas night. That is a little hard to incorporate into our family right now because they are all very young. So now we are trying to get our own family traditions going. We are giving the kids an ornament each year to open and hang on Christmas eve before they go to bed and along with the pigs in a blanket we have sticky buns/monkey bread for breakfast. At some point i would really like to take the kids to the movies as a family. Last night was the night! My Dad, Mom , and Wes were here and so the adults once again outnumbered the kids so it seemed like the right time to go. Ella and Jack have been before but i was concerned about John. He was so tired and sometimes that can lead to increased anciness. We get in and get seated for our first family movie, Bedtime Stories. I never heard any of the kids. Well..unless it was asking for another twizzler, more popcorn or drink. Dad and Wes had John and they had a system worked out. John was laid back on Wes and when John wanted another piece of candy he would throw his hand over and tap Dad on the arm and Dad would place the candy in his hand. Apparently there were times when Dad wasn't so attentive and quick to respond to John's request and John would have to throw his foot over on Dad's leg and give him a tap. :) There is no telling how much candy the kids had! The movie was good and it was a wonderful time and a nice reminder of one of the things I used to do with my family on Christmas.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas
Monday, December 15, 2008
Movin' on up
The headboard, footboard and trundles are coming after Christmas
In other news, Jack had taken a big leap in his potty training. He now takes himself to the potty when he need to go. I don't have to tell him to go and do it anymore. He was still going #2 in his pants but i haven't had to change a dirty pull-up on him for over a week now. He is still waking up wet but only a wet accident every few days. Yeah! He is getting so big. We will keep working with him and soon i will have two down, two to go! Speaking of #4, i am 28 weeks and now moving into my third trimester. Only 12 weeks to go. Not likely we will make it that long but you can never tell. Hopefully there will be a job for us to go to and we can get settled before the baby gets here.Now that i have blogged my limit for the week i am going to get some more work done. Hard to believe that Christmas is next week!
Tacky Neighbors
Busy, Busy, Busy
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Baby Update
Monday, December 8, 2008
Elf Yourself!
The kids and i had the best time making this! I know i sent it to most of your e-mails but we still love to watch it. :) Yes, my babies can get down. HA.
Early Christmas
Eric's Chair. I can't wait to curl up in it.
2 nightstands, dresser with mirror, two trundle beds and i think 3 mattresses later we are set. I hope.
Some of the order will be delivered Wednesday and some will be delivered after Christmas but it will be nice to have that out of the way. John seems more excited about sleeping in Jack's room than Jack does. Jack thinks Ella would be a better room mate. Ha. I still have to get all the outside lights up. I am moving as fast as i can considering all the kids here. :) Can't wait until Eric is home to spend some time with us. I have a doctor appointment in the morning and will keep you posted.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
25 week check-up
Friday, November 21, 2008
John is Offically a Big Boy and Our "First" Snow
Thursday, November 20, 2008
John's First (self-imposed) Timeout
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Georgia on my mind
Monday, November 3, 2008
Ella's words of wisdom
A conversation Ella and i had this morning as she was getting ready to go to the dentist. Picture: Ella is standing with her hand on her heart because she has a boo boo on her elbow and won't bend her arm.
Ella: Mommy God is washing my heart.
Me: What?
Ella: God is washing my heart.
Me: Why do you say that.
Ella: Because...because, when your heart, God is, when your heart goes bumpty bumpty bumpty that means God is giving your heart a bath.
Me: Why would God be giving your heart a bath?
Ella: Because it is dirty and that is where he lives.
Me: Why is your heart dirty?
Ella: Because that is where all the food you eat goes through so he washes it.
Me: HA. No, your food doesn't go through your heart but sin goes in your heart. Like when we aren't nice or don't tell the truth. That makes our heart dirty.
Ella: Yeah, God doesn't like a dirty heart. He is always washing mine so it is clean. See feel.
So glad that God is willing to spend his days washing my heart. :) Ella is wise beyond her years.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Baby names
Who knew that naming a baby could be so difficult?? You always want to give your children a name that people can't make fun of or that is not hard to spell or pronounce. Well, at least Eric and i do. With a girl it is fairly easy, see Eric and i have our favorites and it usually is the same name. With a boy it is the complete opposite. So i am glad that when we were pregnant with Ella we worked out a system to name the kids. Eric has a list and I have a list. We each get one name. How simple. How fair. I mean really, i think i should be able to name them whatever i want since i am the one that carries them, has them, feeds them and then for 90% of the time cares for them. But, Eric did contribute to the creation part and the monetary support so i can stay home and raise them so this is the fairest system to have. We will never agree on a total boy name. I will be okay with his choice or not like it at all but it is still his choice and he will feel the same about my choice. Whatever we come up with will fit the baby and will be wonderful, i know. Still i am concerned because we have used all the boy names we were passionate about. Now we just have names we like. We did already take care of the girl name just in case the ultrasound was wrong (thanks mom). Eric says he is not worried but here we sit with a long list of names. I just want to get it narrowed down to a few options and then we will name it when we see it, like we did John. So, i am throwing up the names we have so far for a vote. Pick your top three. There are names on this list that Eric is totally against and a few i won't even consider. Feel free to put together two names you like if i haven't and leave a comment for us. Eric says we have plenty of time but that means he wants to discuss names while we are holding the baby. :) Here are our lists:
Eric likes: James, Jed, Jeb, Eli, Evan,
I am partial to: Fraser, Joe, Campbell, Benjamin and maybe Alexander and Judson.
Check the side of the page to vote! :)