I, like most of my blogger buddies, took the holidays off. Okay, so "buddies" might be a stretch but i know one or two that didn't blog. "Holidays" at my house means from November until February. The actually holidays and time before to prepare and time after to recuperate. Ha. I have been so busy here. Life is already wild and with Eric gone i have almost no time to do the things i love the most. When he is home i take in a good book, sleep, soak in my fabulous jacuzzi (my first and i am in love.....), work on getting the house organized or just enjoy my time with him and the kids. Blogging just has to wait.
I do want to get caught up and back on our regular schedule. So here goes. My last post was when we bought our house. A very exciting time for us. As a housewarming gift to Eric i rallied my fam and we moved all our furniture from storage and into the house so when Eric arrived from Kansas we could enjoy. Yes, i am awesome (and so is my family). I think Eric's parents helped the most, they took all four kids for the weekend. My parents painted a few of the ugly walls as a housewarming gift and so when Eric arrived to painting and an unpacked house he was seriously relieved.
Uncle Wes came and broke in the back yard with his dirt bike. Now i know why my kids think he is so cool.
We had our first visitors from Canada and Ella make quick friends with her cousin Savannah.
We made friends with our neighbors. The kids have playmates and are nearly inseparable. It is amazing the ideas that they come up with. Yes, that is John in my bathrobe. :)
And lastly, we added two more to our family. Yes, i am crazy but how could i say no to these two faces. Aubie (big orange) had to find a new home because his owner was moving. He had pretty much had a house to himself with no other indoor animals so coming to our house with two dogs, a kitten, and four small kids was a pretty big shock. The first few days were hard but he adjusted and now is the sweetest thing. He still gets a little skiddish but we can live with that. I hate that his purrer is broken. You have to put your ear to his chest to hear him purr. On the other hand, Alley, the little one my Mom brought me from an alley in Clanton, she purrs and sounds like a chainsaw. She likes to sleep under the covers at night and starts purring before she even gets on the bed. We do love them and they are a great addition to our family.