Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Wilkes Visit

After our 4th of July playdate ended our dear friends Mari, Auston and Aby Wilkes rolled in. They were only staying a few days so we had to do a lot of catching up and quick. We haven't seen them in a year so i was looking forward to hanging out and having 6 kids in the house. The girls shared Ella's room and the boys shared Jack and John's room. We didn't do much. Just hung out by the pool and played with the kids. Mari worked but made time to take some family pictures of us. We had a great time, well, except for the moment Auston thought he was superman and jumped into the pool without his floaties. Scary. My camera also died. Yes, my new camera.sThanks Best Buy for replacing it for free. Mari- Thanks so much for taking the time and making the long drive down to visit. I has a blast!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Play dates

Ella has attended two play dates since school ended. I thought it only fair i allowed her to plan a play date for her friends at our house. I thought this was a great idea since we would be moving and i would only have to do it once. I started calling around and found that Sunday afternoon would be a good time for everyone. Well, i had forgotten that Sunday also happened to be July 4th. Great, now we would be having an Independence day party. Angela was going to come home with us after church, Emma and Lisa's mom would drop them off and Derek and Melissa's mom would stay and help me out. Emma and Lisa's mom brought her nephew and left him too so i was glad another mom offered an extra set of hands. Eric was here too. He stayed on clean up duty most of the day. :) 10 kids made for a very busy day. The boys split into the boy room
and the girls quickly formed a fashion show that included all kids of tricks on Ella's gymnastics bar. They ate pizza and ice cream

and a few took a swim. Our boys were thrilled at all the company and the fact that they had other boys to play with. What was supposed to last 3 hours lasted 6. A long day but everyone had a good time. I wouldn't mind doing it again. Good thing since Ella is asking when she can plan another one. :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Dancing is an expression

A quick blog before bed. My kids make me laugh. Thanks Disney for the beats.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Well, Hello

It has officially been a full month since my last post. I am feeling like a newbie and like i have found my old friend again. I never realized how i use my blog as therapy until I was too busy to write. See for every post there are probably two i write that never get posted. You know all about my feelings and gushy stuff no one really wants to read. HA. Well, i am back and will get caught up on July's activities and you will see where all i have been while i was vacationing from my blog. One thing is for sure, I have missed you!